Thirty Seven

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It's stopped snowing the next morning. Outside, a thin layer of snow has covered the ground, making it as pretty as ever. We all have breakfast together in the dining room, Margo has prepared us some waffles and bacon. The Olson's, we're not a morning person. Alex and Margo had to drag me and Harry out of bed in the morning. After a few minutes of blanket pulling and gruntings, we finally made it to the table with our eyes still half closed.

"I'm really thrilled to show you guys the Central Park! It's literally my favorite place in the world!" Margo announces as she serves us orange juice

Harry stares nervously at his plate. I don't question that, since he has his big plan to propose to Margo today in the Central Park. I understand how nervous he must be. 

"Me too. I've never been, so I'm really excited to see how it is." I answer

We finish our meal and head back to our room to get ready. I take a quick shower, convincing Alex to let me have the bathroom first so I'll still have time to do my makeup. I put on a maroon turtle neck and a pair of blue jeans. It doesn't take Alex long to shower, by the time I finish doing my makeup, we head outside to wait for Harry and Margo. After everyone's ready, I put on my big black coat from the hanger and link my arm to Alex's before leaving.

We take the subway to get there, since Harry wants us to get the full New York experience. Harry only lives a 5 minute walk from the station, which is really convenient. Margo tells us that only 46% of New Yorkers own cars and most of the population uses public transportation.  We get on the subway, I can't help but look at how nervous Harry is. I move to stand next to Harry, making sure that Alex and Margo can't hear anything from us.

"Hey, are you okay there? Don't be nervous. You got this." I say

Harry nods, "Nervous is an understatement.. But you're right, I got this. I can do this." 

"Just.. Loosen up a bit. Things will go just fine. I promise you." I squeeze his hand

He smiles, "Thanks, that's exactly what I needed to hear." 

The rest of the ride, we spend in silence. After about 10 mins, we finally reach the station. "We're here! It's the stop." Margo announces

"Oh my God, my inner Gossip Girl fangirl is slowly clawing herself out of my soul." I squeal as we get to the park. Yes, I watch Gossip Girl and I'm not ashamed of it. I even got Alex to watch a couple of episodes with me.

"You guys have no idea how many times I've been dragged to a Gossip Girl marathon with this girl." Alex sighs

I nudge him by the shoulder, "Oh please, you love it!"

We all laugh and continue walking through the park. It is absolutely amazing. A 843 acres park in the middle of a city of tall buildings and sky scrapers. I stop from time to time to take pictures. I can imagine myself sitting here one day and paint. Another thing to add to my on going bucket list. 

We reach the pond and Margo pulls out a plastic of bread to feed to the ducks. Harry signals me something and I got the hint. 

"Hey, I'm gonna go get some pretzels for a bit. Do you want some? Alex, will you come with me?" I say 

Alex nods, "Hmm, warm pretzels would be good now."

As we walk to the vendor, I turn around to give Harry an encouraging nod. I run to catch up with Alex and link my arm to his again. 

"So, how are you liking New York so far?" Alex asks

I nod, "Loving every second of it. You?" 

"Being here with you is what matters the most." He smiles

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