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"What's this?"

I look up to see Jack and his wild untamed hair, who's just dropped a plastic case onto my table. The bell has just rung, I was just about to get ready to leave

"I told you I was gonna make you a mixtape." He answers

I reach for the cassette, with a writing that says 'Jack's Ultimate Guide to Punk Rock'

I giggle, "Thanks. I'll listen to it once I get home."

"Listen to it now, with me. I wanna see your reaction." He pulls a chair and sits next to me. He puts in the cassette to a walkman he's brought, offering one bud of his earphone

"It's from the same band, Green Day. It's kinda different from their usual songs, but I figured you'd like it." He explains

True, I love this song. It's not like the other songs we'd listened last night, this one is acoustic. The lyrics are so deep and meaningful which fits perfectly with the sound of the guitar.

"Well?" He tilts his head

I answer, "I love it! What's it called?"

"Time of Your Life. One of the first songs I learned, it's not that hard. It's the picking that's pretty tricky, we might as well learn it tonight." He says

"Seriously? I don't think I could though, it sounded pretty hard." I raise an eyebrow

"You still remember those chords I taught you a few nights ago?" He asks

I nod, "Yeah, they're definitely much easier to memorize than math formulas."

"Then you're all set. It's a pretty easy song to practice picking, you'll get the hang of it in no time. Tonight? At 8?" He offers

"Sure, if you don't mind." I say

"Hey, I'm the one who offered. I'll order pizza. We can hangout afterwards, you know. If you want to."

I nod, "Of course I want to. I'll see you tonight? I gotta get going now, sorry. Travis is waiting outside, he's taking me home."

"Travis? Isn't his house the other way round from yours? Why don't you go with Alex, he always goes straight home." He asks

"Duh, you know me and Alex. I'd rather walk a couple miles home everyday than spending 15 minutes in the car with him." I roll my eyes

"I feel ya. Alright, see you tonight!"

I say goodbye to him and head to the parking lot. Travis and I drive straight home, he drops me in front of my house.

I throw my bag on the floor and something falls out of the unzipped bag. It's the mixtape from Jack. I reach for it and put it in the player. Songs through songs, I keep listening to it while doing my math homework.

So this is what punk is. It's all about having fun and upbeat. No regrets, living life to the fullest and hanging out with friends.

Despite the loud music and stuff going on, my eyes get heavier. The songs are like lullabies to my ears. Out of my conscious mind, I drop my pencil to the ground as I drift into a deep sleep.


I am woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. With a groan, I reach for my phone to stop the alarm. I set an alarm at 7 p.m everyday, just a reminder in case I haven't studied or done my homework. It's a habit that keeps me organized.

After finishing the homework from where I'd left it, I get up from my bed to get ready for the lesson with Jack.
It's only 7.50 when I'm ready to leave the house, like the last time I'd gone there.

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