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Alex is in a good mood today.

Some genius demon has replaced the other demon who used to live inside him.

"Fuck yeah, 10 questions right in a row! Bring it on, Einstein!" He claps his hands

"Alright, Smarty Pants. We still got a few materials to catch up. Let's see.."

I start explaining about trigonometry, which is without a doubt one of the hardest in math, at least to me. He's gonna need extra attention to understand this. But instead, he seems to be a little busy doing another unnecessary thing.

"Wow, you're actually taking notes!" I say sarcastically


I take the paper he's been writing on, giving it a quick scan.

Should I write myself out of the history books
And mark a place in time for every chance you took
Don't get me wrong

I know you've kept your life in place
I've yet to take the hint some day
I'm sure I'll get the picture, stop waiting up

What's this?

"Okayy! I'll stop writing and listen to you. Just please give it back." He pleas

"Last time I checked I was giving you math tutor not poetry making tutor." I sigh

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I promise." He says

I roll my eyes and continue again. The next quiz is tomorrow and he needs to at least understand the concept of trigonometry by the end of this lesson.

We finally close our books at around 9. I can proudly say that Alex learned 5 times he did last meeting. I really hope he can pass tomorrow's quiz, I wouldn't want to disappoint Mrs. Lindsey. Plus I don't want to waste my time tutoring him for nothing. Alex is very irritating to be around with.

I unlock my phone to call my mom to pick me up. But unfortunately, she's texted that she's caught up at work so she can't pick me up.

"Ah, shit." I groan. I wish there's a taxi around here

Alex glances at me, "What's wrong?"

"I need to find a taxi, my mom can't pick me up." I answer

"Why the hell does she need to pick you up, it's not like I live in China. We literally live right across each other, I can always give you a ride." He laughs, "Ah, of course. Mama's little girl. Let's get you home before you're late for bedtime."

"And you expect me to ride with you after that? Besides, you never offered me." I shrug

"So is that a yes or no?" He raises an eyebrow

I roll my eyes and walk out of the cafè ignoring him. I wait by the sidewalk to wait for a cab, tightening my jacket around me as the wind blows.

Alex appears from the door not long after that, walking towards his car. Instead of going inside, he leans on the car hood and lights up a cigarette. He smokes? Well, I'm not that surprised..

I simply just ignore him and keep on waiting. 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 25 minutes....

"Isn't it past your bed time already, Princess?"

I turn my back, Alex is still in the same position 25 minutes ago. He grins at me as he mocks.

"I mean, it's not a royal chariot whatsoever but it gets the job done." He chuckles, "I'll even clear the front seat for you."

I groan and check the time. It's almost 10, and I still have homework to be done. I contemplate for a second, going home with him does seem a bit better than having to wait here until a cab passes.

Swallowing my pride, I walk to his car half heartedly. He opens the door for me and I grumpily take a seat. I take a look at the backseat, which is literally covered with all of his stuff and litters from shirts and candy wrappers.

Alex starts to drive, "So, aren't you gonna say anything? Thanks for giving me a ride, perhaps?"

"Actually, I have a question. How long is it until you're finally bored of teasing me all the time?" I sigh

He laughs, "Until the ocean finally turns into fresh water."

"Regardless of how annoying you are, you've actually showed progress these past few days. Don't disappoint me, Gaskarth." I say

"What's in it for me?" He asks

"I'm serious! Pass the test or I'll kick your ass real hard." I say

He answers with a laugh, "Okay, okay. You get to kick my ass if I fail, but what do I get if I pass?"

"A good score and a higher possibility of graduating."

"Hell no, I'm talking about something bigger here."

"So you don't want to graduate?"

"I do want to graduate, Stupid. I mean I want something from you, if I pass." He says

"Don't call me stupid, Idiot. I'm fucking tired of this shit." I fire back. At this point, I'm literally this close to just get off the car and walk home since that sounds a lot nicer than having to spend another 15 minutes with him before we get home.

"Oh wow, obscene words from such a pristine girl." Alex says

I roll my eyes, "John Bender, is that you?"

"Thank you. He was actually my childhood hero. And also I could care less about trigonometry." He answers proudly. "Besides, you resemble Molly Ringwald in The Breakfast Club. The Princess."

"Oh really? I like her in 16 Candles better."

"Your sarcasm gives me life."

"Shut up and drive."

"Whatever you wish for, Princess." He mocks

We stay in silence for a while, Alex finally shuts up. After a few minutes, he turns on the stereo and I recognize the song from one of the mixtape Jack's given to me. What Went Wrong by Blink-182.

"I know this song." I tell him

"Never thought you'd be into Blink-182."

"Jack made me a mixtape. This song is in it." I explain

"Are you still learning guitar?"

"Not really.. Well you see, Jack and I,  we don't really talk anymore." I admit

"Yeah, I heard so. And why is that?" He asks

We're not having this conversation again.

"You're his best friend. Go ask him."

"Nah, he wouldn't tell."

"Well then, neither would I."

"What if I told you I know what really happened, and I just wanted to hear it from your opinion?" He asks

"I don't have any opinion about it, okay?" I get annoyed

"Right. Okay." He says sarcastically

"Good. Now shut up."

For about 10 minutes, all we could hear is the music coming from the stereo. We hum along to the song, but stop awkwardly when we start singing at the same time.

We finally arrive at his house not long after that.

"Thanks for the ride." I say, getting ready to leave the car

"I should be the one thanking. Thanks for the lessons. For the first time I think I'm actually prepared for the quiz." He says

I swear to God just minutes ago we were arguing and here he is, thanking me. He is so unpredictable. More likely because we're polar opposites.

I nod, "Yeah, you're welcome. Just don't disappoint me tomorrow okay? Don't waste my time for nothing."

I walk back to my house and head up to my room. After taking a long hot shower, I get ready for bed because I'm exhausted. Closing the curtains, I can't help but take a loot at Alex's room one last time.

And I smile, as I draw the curtains.

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