Twenty Five

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"Oh God, it's so good to finally be able to drive again!" Alex says as he locks the car door. His ankle's finally healed completely after 6 weeks.

"I'm sorry you had to struggle walking for 6 weeks." I say

He looks at me, "Hey, it's not your fault. Besides, as I've told you a million times before, it's all worth it."

Now that he's able to drive, he drives me to and from school. It's Friday afternoon and we're at my house, just hanging out after school.

"Alright, I have chocolate and vanilla ice cream. Which one do you want?" I ask as I search the fridge

"Why not both?" Alex responds. He's sitting on the sofa, picking out the show

I nod and take both of the ice cream container with 2 spoons. I sit by his side and he puts one hand around me. I rest my head on his shoulder and we eat our ice cream. It's been a long time since we hung out just the 2 of us. I mean, we see each other everyday but never just the 2 of us. He's been busy with the band and I try to understand it, I know how important it is not just for him, but also the band.

"I'm so glad we get to spend time just the two of us.. I'm sorry I've been too busy as of lately with band stuff." Alex sighs

"It's okay, I understand how important it is to you. I'm also glad we're here now, just us." I smile

His smile lights up, "I'm gonna make it up to you. I'm taking you out on a date tomorrow. I mean.. We've never gone on a real actual date, have we?"

"That actually sounds really nice, thank you." I giggle

He nods and leans in to kiss me. I've been craving for this since a few weeks ago, since we haven't been spending a lot of time together. The kiss got heavier, he leans over and lays my body on the couch. His tongue exploring my mouth, my hands in his hair. The soft moans that escape my mouth as he sucks the skin on my neck. His hand starts roaming through my thighs, "Alex.." I put my hand on his hands. He moves back to my mouth and bites my lower lip gently. Damn, that's hot.

But then we're interrupted by the sound of Alex's phone ringing in his pocket. He continues to kiss me for a while, but after 5 rings, it still doesn't stop. "Fuck, whoever that is, it must be important. I'm so sorry I have to take this call." Alex frowns

He sits up straight and sees the caller ID. "It's our producer.."

"Hey, sorry I was occupied. I'm all ears now." Alex gets up from the couch and heads to the kitchen

I lean back on the seat and sigh. My fingers touch my lips, which are now plumped from that make out session. I personally think Alex is a really good kisser. I mean it's not like I've kissed a lot of guys before but I enjoy kissing him.

A couple of minutes later Alex comes back to the living room with a frown. "I am so sorry but I have to go... It's the producer and he wants everyone to meet him at the office now." He says

I sigh, "Oh well, I don't wanna stop you from leaving for work but I do wish we could spend a little more time together."

Alex sits beside me and takes my hand, "Hey, I'm deeply sorry. I promise I'm gonna make it up to you. As soon as we finish all of this, I promise you it's all gonna get better."

He kisses the back of my hand. I love it when he does that. He pulls me into a hug, "I wish we could spend more 'us' time too. And we will, tomorrow."

I smile and he plants a kiss on my forehead. "Alright, now go do your thing and make me proud." I say 

"I'll call you tonight, alright?" Alex assures

"And I shall answer." I smile

I walk him to the door and give him a kiss goodbye. I watch him leave and sigh once again until after his car is out of sight. I get back inside and sit back on the couch. I decide to give Travis a call to see if he can come over here since there's something... I want to talk about with him.  After a few rings he finally answers and agrees to come in 10 mins since he's just finished football practice and he's heading here straight away. And 10 minutes later, I hear his car parking just outside my house.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Travis asks as he sees me

"Nothing's wrong actually.. I just need someone to talk to about something.. that I'm not really experienced in?" I say

"You know I'm always here for you. Spill." He casually helps himself with the food at my house. That's the thing with him, he's been to my house a million times before that it's basically his house also.

"Promise not to laugh at me."

"I promise."

"I think I'm afraid of sex?.."

Travis almost chokes on his doughnut.

"I think I might've heard it incorrectly. You're afraid of sex?" He makes sure

"Hey, you promised not to laugh!" I playfully smack him

"I'm not laughing! I just snorted!" He says

"It's the same thing!"

He holds up both of his hands, "Alright alright. Explain it to me first."

"I.. So yeah, Alex and. We were just hanging out together, just the 2 of us and we started making out, you know, normal stuff. I mean we kiss all the time, but this time it got kind of steamy. He was on top of me on the couch and we made out for a long time, his hands roam around and all.. Well you know, usual stuff. But this was the first time for us? I mean.. You know I understand why he hadn't done that earlier because I don't think with his ankle condition it wouldn't have been a pretty great idea to do anything more than that." I try to explain

"Oh honey, there are like 1000 different positions to do so." Travis laughs

I blush, "That's not what I meant! Let me continue first, stop talking."

"Alright, continue." He won't stop laughing

"I mean.. I know sex is a part of a relationship but we haven't really talked about it. And, well, you know me.."

"Miss Virgin Mary." Travis winks

I playfully smack him once again, "Shut up!"

"I'm just kidding, of course I knew of that." He says

"I don't know if he's done it before, which I don't really care if he has, to be honest. I'm just.. Afraid? Scared if I screw up when it's finally time? He's taking me out on a date tomorrow, our first real date and I don't know what to do. Hell I don't even know if I'm ready. I don't know what to expect." I sigh

"Gail, honey, it's all up to you. If you don't feel ready, then don't do it. And if you think that sex is a part of a relationship, I completely understand why you think so because it is. But if you don't feel comfortable doing it then Alex should respect whatever decision you want. You should not feel pressured at all when doing it and if your partner doesn't respect it, then you should not be with that person." Travis consoles

"It's not because I think that Alex isn't the right guy or anything. You know I love him and I trust him with all my heart. It's just that losing my virginity is a really huge deal to me.. .I just want to make sure I'm ready." I confess

He pats my back, "Whenever you're ready. Just make sure when you decide to do it, do it safely and responsibly. Get on the pills, use a condom, maybe two, you can never be too careful. Take the after day pill after that, to be even more extra careful. I'm not looking forward to being called Uncle Travis some time soon."

"Alright, Uncle Travis. I'll make sure to have a super safe protected sex when the time comes." I laugh

"Remember. No pressure at all. It doesn't have to be tomorrow, or some time soon. It's all up to you alright. I don't want you to get hurt." Travis says

"Thanks, Travis. I knew I could always count on you." I hug him

"Whenever you need me, buddy." He hugs me back

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