Twenty Two

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Alex's indeed fractured an ankle. He has to use crutches for approximately 2-3 weeks, until then he has to be assisted to do a couple of things. It takes 6 weeks for it to fully heal.

"I'm sorry for your ankle. If you hadn't climbed on my roof to talk to me you wouldn't have broken your ankle.. And your guitar." I say,  back at Alex's after the hospital.

"Hey, I was the one who decided to climb up your roof. It's not your fault." Alex says

"He probably would've broken a bone anyways since he's such a dumbass." Jack chuckles

Alex raises an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

"You heard me." Jack says

"Well, that coming from a guy who once came to school drunk-"

"Stop it you boys. What are you, 5?" I laugh

"But it's true though." Alex clears his point

"Young and hostile, but not stupid." Jack sings

Alex's parents come not long after that. They were at work when I called them from the hospital. I told them that Alex had fallen from the stairs, because I don't think saying that he'd fallen from my roof would be a good idea.

They thank me for bringing their son to the hospital and taking care of him. I tell them it's no problem, and I tell them me and the boys are gonna help him until he can walk normally again. Zack and Rian came not long after that to come check on Alex.

"So, how are you feeling?" I sit next to Alex on the couch

"Been better. I'm still pretty sad about my guitar though, I saved up for years to get a Taylor acoustic guitar.. But I can say it's worth the lost." He smiles and grabs my hand

I blush and see Zack shoots me an approving nod. "I guess we have a new member in the crew then."

I smile, "Are you looking forward to seeing me more often?"

"Welcome to the family." Rian says with open arms


"You and Gaskarth? What's next on the news, snow in the Sahara desert?" Jas says

We're at school the next day. This morning when I told Travis what had happened the day before, he almost hit a tree when driving. When we met up with the others the first thing he said (more like screamed) was the fact that the beef between me and Alex had turned a complete 180 degree.

"To be honest, I'm not that surprised. There's only a thin difference between love and hate." Chris says

Holly sits beside me, "I know you guys have been spending a lot of time together for the math tutors but how did it happen exactly? You didn't tell us anything!"

I giggle, "Nothing much. I mean, there were a lot of convincing from multiple people."

"Well that must've taken a whole lot of convincing to do so." Travis shakes his head. He still can't believe it.

Alex walks through the door, Jack besides him as he helps Alex walk. I shoot him a smile and get up from my seat to come after him. Alex's smile light up as he sees me and he leans in to kiss my cheek, "Hey, Princess."

I laugh, "Are you still calling me that?"

"You've always been my Ginger Princess." Alex responses

Travis facepalms, "Oh God, you're not joking, are you?"

"Well Alex, hurt her and you're gonna have to deal with all of us." Jas says

"Yeah Gail. Hurt Alex and you have to deal with also." Jack follows

"Alright alright, we get it guys. We'll try our best, won't we, Gail?" Alex grabs my hand

I nod, "Yeah, we will."


"Tell me something I don't know." Alex says, all of a sudden

We're in my room after school, Alex is on my bed, playing my guitar. I'm sitting by the window, finishing my painting I've been working on for some time.

"What don't you know?" I look at him

"I don't know. Tell me about yourself that I've yet to know." He says

I sit next to him on the bed, "My name is Abigail Christina Olson. I was born on the 4th of April in Oakland, California. My dad's name is Ryan Andersen Olson and my mom's name is Kathryn Clementon Olson. I have an older brother by 4 years whose name is Harry Robert Olson. We used to live in Oakland, but after my mom and dad separated when I was 4, dad took Harry with him to Florida. I haven't heard of them much as of lately but they've clearly been living a better life than me and my mom have. But then again, I have my mom and that's what matters the most."

Alex takes my hand, giving it a squeeze. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I don't talk about it that much but I feel like I need to tell it to you anyways." I say, "Now you. Tell me something I don't know."

He kisses the back of my hand, "I've never been in a relationship before."

"Me too." I nod slowly

"But whatever we're doing in this so called relationship... It feels right." He looks at me straight in the eyes

"Then so be it." I smile


Sorry for the short chapter. But now that I update more regularly, I can safely say that an update will be up in a week! Enjoy!

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