5- Excuse Me is Your Dance Card Full?

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Josh: March 13, 2014

Rachael looked at her phone when it beeped for a text message from ESPN. "Oh my god! The game! Why aren't we watching? They're down by 6!" She might have been a bigger UK fan than I was, so she hurried to my living room, plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV.

She yelled at the TV when someone missed a free throw then looked at me when she saw that I was laughing at her. "What the hell is so funny? They aren't even trying out there, you should be pissed too!"

I had to set my beer bottle down on the table because I was laughing so hard. "Nothing, you're just so adorable when you're mad."

She replied by giving me the finger and grabbed a seat next to me on the big couch when a commercial came on and propped her feet up on the coffee table.

"What color is that?" I asked looking at her painted toenails.

"I think it's called purple passion fruit or something. I don't pay attention to the names, I just buy what looks pretty."

"Oh, how lovely." I slapped her left knee, holding my hand there for a second to feel the soft skin on it, "So..."

"So....what?" she questioned.

I turned to face her and crossed my legs in front of me. "Are you doing ok? With the whole Sam thing?"

She furrowed her eyebrows and shrugged, "I don't know, Josh. I know I'll be ok eventually. I guess I'm still kind of in shock so I'm not really sad yet. It will probably hit me when I get home and see all his stuff gone."

"Well to be perfectly honest, I never really cared for him." I leaned back and put my feet on her lap.

"Yeah I've always known deep down you didn't really like him from the second you met him," she replied, putting her hands over my ankles.

I never hated anyone more than I hated Sam Worthington. Uptight douchebag who looked at me like I was bacteria the first time we met. I never had the balls to tell Rachael about his 2 other women on the side. I guess I was always afraid that she wouldn't believe me and call me a liar and swear to never talk to me again. I couldn't handle not having her around, so I kept my mouth shut.

The game came back on, and just as UK was catching up, the buzzer at my front gate rang. I got up to answer, figuring it was Avan who was on his way from a meeting he had, but I was dead wrong.

"Yeah?" I asked on the intercom.

"Baby? It's me! I'm so sorry about earlier! Can I come in? I made you cookies!" I winced at the sound of Hanna's voice pouring into my foyer.

"Yeah, come on up." I pressed the button to unlock the gate. Fucking wonderful.

Rachael: May 26, 2012

I don't know why I was so nervous, I wasn't the one getting married. I was just a measly bridesmaid. All 200 eyes would be on Christina in a minute, no worries. I took my position at the end of the aisle with my bouquet in hand, smoothed out my coral dress and waited patiently for the usher to direct me into the church.

"Ok, Rachael on the count of one, two, and go." Jake's uncle motioned towards the aisle. I took a deep breath as I caught a glimpse at the many unfamiliar faces in the pews. My eyes darted to the minister, to Jack, and to his groomsmen standing up in a line, resembling penguins in their tuxes.

As I began my saunter down the aisle, my only focus was on Josh, who was standing next to the best man. I'd never seen him look so handsome and grown up before. He let out a breath and licked his lips before giving me an reassuring smile as I continued down the aisle.

Josh: May 26, 2012

"If I wasn't married, man, I swear." Adam, the best man whispered to me as Rachael took her position at the end of the aisle. I felt a cold sweat hit my body when she began walking in the direction of the altar. I had to take a few deep breaths because I'm pretty sure my heart stopped when she looked at me. I'd never seen her look so beautiful before.

I was lucky enough to be the one who got to escort her back up the aisle when the ceremony ended. After Christina and Jack marched up the aisle, Adam and the maid of honor linked arms, stepping down from the platform. Then it was our turn. I offered my arm like a gentleman which she looped her own arm around. We smiled at the guests clapping at us as we took steady steps to the foyer of the church.

As we neared the end of the aisle, I whispered to her, "You know Rach, you're not supposed to come to a wedding and look better than the bride."

"Oh stop it, Josh," she smiled, giving me a gentle shove when we got out of the church.

"What? You look stunning. Save me a dance at the reception, ok?"

"Of course!" She winked before joining the other bridesmaids.

Rachael: May 26, 2012

"Alright we're gonna slow things down a little," The DJ announced as the Cha Cha Slide ended and Dancing Away With My Heart by Lady Antebellum began. I decided to sit this one out, so I headed back to the bridesmaids table and took a few sips of water.

"Excuse me is your dance card full?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and smiled when I saw Josh standing there with his hand out. He lost his bow tie and vest within the first 20 minutes of the reception. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, the first couple buttons of his shirt were undone and his new short haircut was messy from sweating on the dance floor.

"I'd have to check but I don't think it is. Let's go."

I took his hand and followed him onto the dimly lit dance floor and watched Jack and Christina sing to each other while they danced.

"They're cute," I smiled, looking back at Josh who was holding my right hand up. His other hand was around my waist and I couldn't help but get butterflies every time I felt his fingers move against the fabric of my dress.

I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes as we swayed to the music. He pushed away the hair that was resting on my shoulder. "You never wear your hair down," he stated.

I lifted my head up. "Yeah I know. I'm dying to put it up!"

"You shouldn't. It looks really nice like this." He fluffed up some of the curly tendrils on the back of my head.

"Thanks, Josh," I smiled.

"So who did you say is the guy stealing your heart these days?" he asked and lifted my arms so that they were around his neck and put his hands around my waist.

I smiled at the thought of the new guy I just started seeing. "His name is Sam."

"Uh-huh and where's he this evening - letting his girlfriend get swept off her feet by younger, more handsome guys like myself?"

"Oh stop it. He's working late. But he'll be picking me up later so you'll get to meet him."

"Gee, can't wait," he said sarcastically.

I knew Josh wasn't too fond of the guys I dated, like Rick who cheated on me in college with his best friend from back home, or mama's boy Andy, or Kevin who turned out to be a stage 4 clinger. But I knew Sam was a good guy. I knew him for a while from a mutual friend of ours and since we had just started dating, everything was really new and exciting.

The song ended and I gave Josh a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for the dance, handsome."

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