32- You're Everything to Me Now (nc-17)

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Rachael: August 30, 2014

When I opened my eyes the next morning, I was unsure of where I was at first, but I suddenly remembered when I looked to my right and saw Josh zonked out next to me, only missing his shirt. I, on the other hand, was still only wearing my panties and the area between my legs was still tingling from what he did to me the night before.

I slid up next to Josh and slowly laid my head on his chest so I wouldn't wake him. I felt his arm snake around my shoulder as he took in a deep breath and stirred a little. He's the only guy in the world who could give me butterflies with just the slightest gesture.

He did just that when he delivered a soft kiss on my forehead and squeezed me tight. I glanced up at him, and studied his face for a moment, watching his nostrils flare as he exhaled, his eyes were still closed and he had a small smirk plastered across his face.

I was in love alright. Big time. I'm talking head over heels, in L-O-V-E with Josh Hutcherson. I never thought it was possible to fall in love with someone so fast. I guess I had been falling for him a little at a time since I've known him, but didn't realize it until now. I watched him a little while longer until his eyelashes fluttered open and he sleepily smiled down at me.

"Mmm good morning girlfriend," he greeted in a raspy voice.

"Hey," I smiled back, cuddling closer to him and pulling the sheet up over my shoulders.

"Sleep good?" he asked, brushing a piece of hair from my face.

"Mhm. I don't think I want to leave here. I hope Woody doesn't mind," I said, looking around at the intricate design on the ceiling above us.

"We still have 2 days, we don't need to leave just yet," he turned onto his side to meet me at eye level and gave me a kiss.

His phone started ringing from the nightstand and he rolled his eyes as he turned over to see who it was. "Just my publicist." He silenced it and set it back down. "Doesn't he know I'm with my girlfriend this weekend and can't be bothered?"

"Does he know you're seeing someone?" I asked, laying my head back on his chest.

"Not yet. I'll tell him eventually," he sighed, "He's just so wrapped up with the premiere coming up, he doesn't need to worry about my personal stuff right now."

"Have you told anyone else about us yet?" I looked up at him. I know he lived a life in the public eye, but we couldn't keep our relationship a secret forever.

"No. I'm trying to keep it under wraps at least until I'm done filming. I'd hate for you to get hounded by media, and fans when I'm not around to protect you. They're brutal when it comes to girls I date."

I let out a huff of hot air, "Josh, I've been dealing with those people ever since I started flying out to LA to visit you, I think I can handle it."

"No. It's too risky right now. I'll tell you what, how about you come to the Mockingjay premiere with me and we'll tell the whole world then."

"November?" I scowled.

"It's not that long to wait. Hey," he held my face up to his, "you're everything to me now. If you get hurt in any way, I don't know what I'll do. November, I promise."

He kissed me again, this time it was more than a light peck, his mouth enveloped mine as our tongues danced across each others lips. I ran my hand up and down his chest, through his chest hair and over the ab muscles that retreated into his stomach when my fingers ghosted across them. He let out a sexy grunt before rolling me onto my back.

I watched the shadows from the wind blowing the palm trees outside dance across the room as I drew invisible designs along his back while he buried his head into my neck, nipping and sucking on the skin. His breathing began to increase as he began grinding his morning wood against my inner thigh.

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