21- You Need to Get on That Horse Again Girl

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Josh: May 18, 2014

Rachael and I exchanged phones and I slipped mine in my pocket before going back to the kitchen. She was pretty quiet while she ate, I figured she didn't want to say much because her head still hurt. But she finally spoke up when she got up to rinse her plate.

"Is that the ringtone you set for me?" She asked, looking out her kitchen window as she turned the faucet off.

"What?" I asked, mid-chew.

"Stolen, is that my own ringtone?" She asked again, looking at me and backing me into an imaginary corner.

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Why that song?"

I got up and carried my plate to the sink and handed it to her, "I dunno, it just reminds me of you I guess," I answered with a shrug hoping she wouldn't see through me. The thing is, whenever I'd hear that song, no matter what I was doing, I'd see her face. The lyrics "you have stolen my heart" were so true. She had stolen my heart, she just didn't know it yet.

"Oh," she smiled wide, "I like that song." Her smile faded when she saw Cato digging a hole in the backyard. "Dammit Cato!" She started for the back door, but on a whim, I grabbed her arm to stop her, backing her up against the kitchen counter.

"Rach, wait," I rubbed her cheek with my thumb and wanted to kiss her so bad, but seeing Cato out of the corner of my eye distracted me.

"Cato! Knock it off!" I yelled out the window to him. He stopped digging and looked at me before running for the door. I opened my mouth to speak, but Rachael knew what I was going to say and shook her head.

"We can't avoid this all morning, you know," I argued.

"What we did was bad, Josh. It shouldn't have happened. It was wrong. And that's all I'm saying about it. I have to go let the beast in." She pulled my hand off her arm and went to let Cato inside.

"I hate that you're so stubborn. You get your way again. We won't talk about it, not right now at least. But one of these days, we're talking about this," I surrendered, hoping she'd change her mind and face the fact that yes, we slept together, no matter how much we tried to avoid it, that is what happened.

We sat in Rachael's backyard for a while after we cleaned up the kitchen and before long, Connor called and asked where I was. "I guess I have to get going now," I sighed as I hung up.

"I'm still mad at you, you know," she ranted.

"For what?"

"For a lot of things. But I'm mostly mad because you came here last night, got me drunk and...."

"You were already drunk to begin with. And I know for a fact that you aren't mad at me. Don't think I can't see through that frown. That smile is coming, you can't fight it. Where is it Rachael?" The corner of her lips turned upwards and she was still fighting to keep a frown on her face. "Oh there it is! There's that smile!" I pointed and laughed.

"Would you get out of here already? Jeeze. I'm so sick of your face." She waved me towards the door and I stood up, stretching my legs.

"Fine, I'll go. But only because I have to. I'd stay here and annoy you all day if I could."

"It wouldn't take all day for you to annoy me. You started annoying me the second your car pulled into my driveway last night."

"Ok, yeah, nice seeing you too, miss grumpy," I pat her back and dug my keys out of my pocket. "Bye Cato," I bent down and scratched the top of his head before opening the back door.

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