25- Hang onto Her for as Long as You Can

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Josh: July 26, 2014

The whole day had gone by without me saying anything to my parents about Rachael and I, even though I'm pretty sure my mom had a slight idea that something was up when she saw Rachael and I on my bed with smiles on our faces. And if what Connor said was true, I knew my mom would be beside herself to find out that her suspicions about Rach and I were real. I just got out of the shower when my phone buzzed for a new message.

Rachael: On my way over! See you soon!

Me: Looking forward to it. Just got out of the shower & I'm in nothing but a towel

Rachael: Now that's a sight I'd like to see

Rachael: Minus the towel ;)

Me: Oh boy...the things I'd do to you if I got you alone. You better watch out.

This girl was going to get me in trouble, but now that we were together, I wasn't planning on holding back at all, especially since I'd be gone for 5 weeks with no chance to see her. I know in the past, my relationships have always taken a backseat to my film career, but this time was different. I'd go to the moon and back just to be with her.

I threw on a simple black v-neck and cargo shorts and raced up the stairs to tell my parents before she got to the house. My mom was cleaning up the kitchen and my dad and Connor were outside inspecting our hard work on the patio.

"Hey mom, what are you doing?" I asked, sitting on a stool at the island.

"Trying to get everything set up before Rachael get here. Did you talk to her? Is she on her way? Oh jeeze, I hope she brought the tomatoes."

My mom easily panics whenever we have people over for any sort of function. But when you try to help her, she insists that she does everything herself. That's why I was so surprised when she asked Rachael to help make dinner.

"Yeah, she'll be here soon and she's stopping at the store on her way. What are you guys making anyway?" I wondered.

"Nana's lasagna," she responded.

"Mom, you can't share that recipe with anyone, that's top secret."

"Well, I like Rachael. She's a good girl," she winked with a smile.

"Ok, the jig is up. How'd you find out about us?" I asked, looking up from the magazine I was flipping through.

"Mother's intuition." She walked over and hugged me tight and kissed me on the cheek. "I've been telling your father for years that you two would eventually end up together," she said with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, stop! Why are you crying?" I laughed, wiping a tear that ran down her cheek.

"I'm just glad to see you with someone who really makes you happy. Some of the girls you've dated in the past were toxic. But not Rachael, she brings out the best in you."

"Thanks mom," I stood up off the stool, "Sure you don't need help?"

"Get out of here and tell your father before your...girrrrrllllfriend gets here," she teased, waving me away.

I shook my head at her and went outside to join my dad and Connor who were moving furniture onto the new patio.

"Looks good!" I commented. "So, Dad..." I started, carrying a chair to the table.

"So, Joshua."

"Uh, I don't want you to be surprised when she gets here, but I thought I should tell you that Rachael and I are sort of dating."

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