29- Are You in Love Josh? (nc-17)

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Josh: August 13, 2014

Amen...finally a night off! What are we doing tonight? Jen sent me a text message after we wrapped for the day.

I don't feel like doing anything. I shot back

Oh come on! What's wrong with you? Can't I just buy you dinner? You have to eat don't you?

I suppose I was sort of hungry. I was also exhausted, and I really really missed Rachael. We only talked a few times in the couple weeks since I got to Charlotte because we had both been really busy. Fine, come get me whenever.

Jen honked the horn on her BMW outside my condo a half hour later.

"What, no driver, miss Daisy?" I asked as I slid onto the leather seat.

"No, I can do things for myself from time to time. I don't need people constantly waiting on me hand and foot."

"Yeah. I know how that goes. Where to?" I asked, buckling my seat belt.

"I don't know. I'll just drive around til we find a place," she shrugged.

That's what I liked about Jen, she was completely spontaneous - no wonder we got along so well. I pulled out my phone and sent Rachael a quick text.

Hey babe, hope you had a good day. Me & Jen are going to get some food. Miss you!

"Who are you texting with a huge grin on your face, Romeo?" Jennifer pried, trying to look at my screen.

"No one, nosy, just look for somewhere to eat, don't pay attention to me."

"Yeah, ok. No wonder you didn't call me back a couple weeks ago, which I'm still mad at you about by the way."

"You never called me! I never saw that you call me," I argued.

"Because you were too busy with your flavor of the month." She was getting a kick out of calling me out.

"If you must know, she's not a flavor of the month. She's..."

"Who is it? Just tell me come ON Josh!" She beat down on her steering wheel she was so frustrated that I wasn't giving her much to work with.

"No, I'm not telling you anything."

"You asshole, there's probably no girl at all, you're probably texting Andre or someone just to get a rise out of me."

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing," I nodded.

We chose a hole in the wall Thai restaurant which was a little out of the way so we wouldn't get recognized by anyone. After we ordered, Jen started tapping her fingers on her cheek and studying my face, putting me on the spot. "You're different. I can't put my finger on it but you are. And I'll be damned if I figure out what it is."

"Different how?"

"Like you're glowing or some shit, I don't know. Are you in love Josh?"

"I don't think so, not yet anyway." I could feel my face getting hotter by the second.

My phone buzzed on the table and I couldn't help but feel like a 12 year old girl when I saw the picture that I had stored with Rachael's contact information. She hated the old one I had of her when she was little so she sent me the one someone took of us when I took her to the zoo in San Diego to see the pandas. Jennifer saw my excitement and suddenly got curious, cocking an eyebrow.

"Hey what's up?" I answered, with Jennifer's eyes stuck on me.

"Hey I'm about to go for a run with Molly. I just wanted to call you before I head out. I miss you so much baby, you have no idea."

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