6- The One and Only Peeta Mellark

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Josh: May 26, 2012

Most of the guests were gone and the members of the wedding party all pitched in to gather remaining favors, centerpieces and decorations. Jack came over to me as I was collecting centerpieces from the tables. "Go get Rach, we're going out back to celebrate." Jack pulled a couple joints out of his pocket and quickly stuffed them back in. His new wife was standing by the kitchen and gave me a thumbs up when I looked at her.

"Where'd you score those?" I looked back at his pocket.

"I went to college with one of the guys who works in the kitchen here. He gave them to me earlier when he came out and he said we could sneak through the kitchen if we wanted to go out back and smoke them later."

"Awesome! I'll go get her." I set the couple vases of flowers I was carrying on a nearby table and tapped Rachael on the shoulder, interrupting her conversation with one of Christina's friends. "Can I steal you for a minute?"

"Sure," She tossed the bags of jordan almonds she was holding into a box and stepped in my direction, "What's up?"

I nodded towards the kitchen where Christina and Jack were standing. "Come on, we're going out back to....you know." I pressed my thumb and index finger together and held them up to my mouth. She smiled and bit her bottom lip when she got the hint.

Rachael: May 26, 2012

We made our way through the now empty kitchen and propped open the back door so we could get back in. After gathering behind the dumpster, Jack handed a joint each to Christina and I. I put the paper between my lips and Josh pulled a lighter out of his pocket, "Ladies first," he smiled and lit me up. I I took a nice long drag, letting the smoke fill up my lungs and exhaled a cloud into the air above my head. It had been a while since the last time I smoked and it hit me pretty fast.

We stood around talking about the wedding and the new couple's plans to build a house in the next few months and their upcoming honeymoon to Anguilla.

I took one more drag before passing the joint off to Josh. "Man, I'd love to visit the Caribbean, I'm so jealous!"

"You should have your awesome new boyfriend take you sometime," Josh replied before taking his last hit and snuffing out the joint on the side of the dumpster. I rolled my eyes at the way Josh stretched the word 'boyfriend'.

"Maybe I will. We can sip on expensive champagne as we walk hand in hand along the moonlit beach at night. Ahhh," I sighed, looking dramatically at the sky, envisioning such a romantic moment.

"Ugh, gag me," Josh rolled his eyes.

"You aren't the most romantic person in the world are you, Josh?" I asked as we walked back into the building.

"Not in the slightest. I've tried to be romantic in the past but it gets me nowhere. I've decided to be a cold, hard asshole from here on out."

"Wow," I laughed, "God bless your next girlfriend."

We walked back into the reception hall and went back to gathering the last of the leftover favors and centerpieces. When I bent down to snap a tote box shut, I heard, "Wow, you are a vision in that dress if I do say so myself." I stood up and spun around to see Sam standing there.

"Hey babe! How was work?" I threw my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"It was alright. I'd rather be here with you though. What's that smell? Smells like pot." He looked around sniffing and got closer to me, "Is that you?"

"Oh, yeah." I looked bashfully down at the floor. "I promise I don't do it on a regular basis, though. It was just this once to celebrate. I actually haven't done it since I was in college."

He looked wearily at me. "Are you sure? You're not a stoner are you?"

"Oh, no. Of course I'm not!"

He smiled and pushed back a few strands of hair that were in my face. "You should pull your hair back, it hides your pretty face."

"Yeah I had to wear it down for the whole day, I desperately need to put it up!" I dug through my clutch, pulled out a hair tie and pulled my curly waves into a low ponytail. "Ahh, that's so much better!" I grabbed Sam by the hand, "Come on, I want you to meet some people."

Josh: May 26, 2012

The pot had a bigger effect on me than I expected. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I didn't eat much, or maybe it was a combination of that, and the all the shots I was doing with this older girl that I met, Allie. She stayed for a while after most of the guests left to hang out with some members of the wedding party while we cleaned up. She and I had been talking and dancing for most of the night.

My head was feeling fuzzy so I sat up on one of the empty tables. Allie came over and stood in between my legs and wrapped her arms around my neck. She kissed my cheek a few times. "So are you coming back to my hotel tonight, or what?" She asked with a seductive smile.

"Oh you know I am!" I replied and put my hands on her hips.

"Good, because you're in so much trouble, you have no idea what I'm gonna do to you!"

"I'm looking forward to finding out!" I pulled her in close for a hug and noticed Rachael out of the corner of my eye.

She was pulling some guy by the arm towards us. I squinted to get a better look at her. She had her hair tied back into a ponytail and her heels were off, making her a couple inches shorter than me.

"Sorry to interrupt, guys!" She exclaimed as she got up to the table.

"Oh it's ok!" Allie spun around and sat on the table next to me.

Rachael smiled at us. "Sam, I want you to meet someone, this is Josh Hutcherson and I'm sorry I don't think we met." She stuck her hand out to shake Allie's.

"Allie LeBlanc. Didn't we go to high school together?." Allie asked.

"Uh, yeah I think so. This is my boyfriend Sam." She put her hand on his chest to introduce him.

I stood up off the table and shook his outstretched hand. "Pleasure."

He turned his nose up at me like he was God's gift. "Likewise. Hey, hun, wasn't he in that Hunger Games movie we saw a little while back?" He asked, pointing at me.

"Yes, that's him! The one and only Peeta Mellark!" She smiled at him and proudly patted my shoulder.

Sam nodded, realizing who I was. "Right, right, right, Peter. Great flick, man!"

Rachael covered up her face to hide her laugh and shook her head.

"Thanks." I responded with a light chuckle.

"Ok, we better get out of here. I need food!" She said rubbing her stomach and mouthed to me that she had to munchies already. She gave me a hug goodbye and whispered, "Behave yourself tonight Hutcherson!"

"I should tell you to do the same, Wallace!"

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