15- You Boys and Your Stupid Video Games

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Rachael: March 15, 2014

"Hi there! You wouldn't happen to have a cup of warm water, would ya?" Jeff Daniels mumbled on the TV as I walked back into the living room. I smirked and sat back down right next to Josh. He smelled so good and I had to be close to him, so I propped my feet up on my side and rested my head on his chest. His arm hugged my shoulder and gave me a gentle squeeze. My body temperature rose three degrees every time he inhaled.

He played with the hair sticking out my my ponytail before kissing the top of my head. I wasn't sure what to do, just like the night before when he kissed my lips. What did all of this mean? I wanted to ask him so bad why he was suddenly so touchy-feely around me but how awkward would that conversation be? Plus, I guess I'm the one who made the first move this time. Would I even call resting my head on his chest a move? I just wanted to cuddle with my best friend. There's no shame in that, right?

Not really sure where this was heading, I put my arm around his waist and tried to relax a little. I wanted him to kiss me again. Deep down, I was hoping he would just say my name, making me look up at him and then lean down and plant one on me, but he didn't do anything at all. Driver came charging into the room just as Jim Carey was pouring the bottle of Turbo Lax into Jeff Daniels' cup of tea.

"What do you want, boy?" Josh asked in the cute way guys talk to their animals. Driver huffed as he put his head on Josh's lap. I couldn't help but turn into a puddle of mush when I saw the way Driver looked up at him.

"What, you wanna go potty?" He asked in an excited tone, making Driver wag his tail at a rapid pace. I chuckled and lifted my head up allowing Josh to get off the couch. "What's so funny?" He asked.

"Potty? I didn't realize Driver was a human 3 year old going through potty training."

He shook his head and smirked. "What, I'm not gonna say, yo dog, you wanna go take a piss or what?" He said in a tough guy voice.

"You're so weird. Just go, your dog wants you!" I waved him away and laid my head on the other end of the couch. I figured that was probably enough cuddling for a while, but Josh - not so much.

Josh: March 15, 2014

"Driver! Quiet down!" I shouted at him off the back porch as he was barking at something in the bushes. Rachael was laying down and covered up with the blanket I had on the back of the couch when I got back to the living room.

She moved her feet out of the way, making room for me to sit. I pat my lap, gesturing for her to come back over to me. I had no problem with her curled up next to me, but she shook her head no and looked back at the TV.

"What, we're done with this cuddling business?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's not a good idea, Josh," she replied.

"I guess you're right. Sorry."

Dammit. I should have figured she was just cuddling with me for the sake of cuddling. She was always such a physical person anyway. I don't know why I took it as something other than just cuddling. It's good she didn't come back over, because if she did, I would have had to pin her down to the couch and have my way with her - Hanna or no Hanna, I didn't care anymore.

My phone rang towards the end of the movie. It was Avan. "I have some free time and was going to play a little Call of Duty, get on with me."

"I will after, I'm watching Dumb and Dumber with Rachael right now."

"Just you two?"


"Reeeealy. Hmmm that's interesting. Very interesting."

"No it's not, why do you say that?"

"Dude, you're an idiot. You totally have a thing for her, don't even lie."

"No I don't!" I snapped.

"No you do actually, and you're a pussy if you don't make a move on this girl because the second she goes back to Kentucky, she's gonna have guys hanging all over her when they find out she's single again."

"Well, I can't do that. I sort of, uh," I looked at Rachael who was glued to the television, "I have other obligations if you know what I mean."

"You didn't break up with Haa yet, did you?"

"Uh, not exactly."

"Chicken shit. That's all I have to say. Grow a pair. Get on when the movie is over."

As the movie ended, I asked Rachael if it was cool if I played a little.

She rolled her eyes. "Ugh, you boys and your stupid video games. Go ahead, it's your house."

I tried to explain the game to her but she was too busy playing around on her phone to pay attention, so I pulled out my headset and trash talked Connor, Avan and a few other guys who were playing too. Every now and then, I heard Avan say, "Did you kiss her yet, did you kiss her yet?"

"No, shut the fuck up," I replied.

"What's he talking about?" Connor piped in.

"Nothing, don't worry about it, Connor."

"You guys all suck. I'm going to bed." I grumbled into the microphone as we lost our final game.

"Don't be a pussy, Josh. Remember what we talked about. Be strong man!" Avan shouted into my ear before I turned the headset off. I looked over at Rachael who was sound asleep on the other side of the couch.

She looked adorable curled up into a little ball under the blanket with her hands tucked under her neck. I got up to let Driver out again and grabbed a drink of iced tea out of the fridge. I decided I'd let her sleep where she was since we had to leave pretty early for the airport the next morning.

I called Driver back inside and went to the living room to shut off the light on the end table. Rachael let out a sleepy moan, signaling to me that I had woken her up. I turned the light back on to see her eyes open and she was stretching her arms over her head.

"What time is it?" She mumbled.

"1:30. I'm going to bed. I'll get you up in the morning, ok?" I smiled but felt my stomach do cartwheels as Avan's words echoed in my head. You're a pussy if you don't make a move on this girl.

"Mmmmhmmm. Goodnight Joshy." She closed her eyes, smiling, knowing how much I hated being called Joshy. I knelt down next to her and poked her side, causing her eyes to shoot open.

"I hate when you call me that."

She put her hand over mine to stop me from tickling her again. "I know, that's why I did it." She scrunched her nose at me and I was done. I couldn't take her anymore. I leaned in close to her face.

"Rachael..." I whispered before I leaned in and lightly touched my lips to hers. I opened my eyes and she swallowed hard, trying to register what just happened between us. Seeing the look on her face, I wish I could have re-wound the last 45 seconds and throw it away forever.

"Shit I'm a fucking moron. I don't know why I just did that. I'm really sorry, Rach."

"Really? I'm not," she smiled before she grasped the front of my shirt and pulled me into her.

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