26- We Can Walk Hand in Hand Under the Moonlight and Shit

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Rachael: July 26, 2014

"Hey, the rain let up!" I noted when we got up the basement stairs. Josh and I parted hands and he went into the living room where his mom, dad and Connor were and told them that we were going out for a while.

Michelle demanded that I take some leftover lasagna with me and gave me a tupperware container with a few pieces. I love Michelle, she's always so nurturing, like a second mother to me. She was always there for me when I needed someone to talk to after my own mom died. I turned to her for everything that I couldn't talk to my dad about.

"Call me next week, ok? We'll go do something when I get back from taking Josh to Charlotte," she said with a hug.

"Sure," I responded and took Josh's outstretched hand. Anxious to get down to business, aren't we?

"Let's go girlfriend," he smiled and dangled his keys in front of me.

"I'll drive, I can just drop you off later," I said, digging for my own keys.

"No, we're having a sleepover tonight. I'll take you back for your car in the morning after we go out for breakfast," he winked, opening the front door to let me walk outside.

"You have our whole night planned, don't you, stud?"

"Yeah, we're never gonna leave your bedroom," he said, raising his eyebrows at me.

"If you can make it that far without putting your hands on me."

"After you sweetie pie," he said, opening up the car door for me.

"Aww what a gentleman. Trying to score some points?"

"I don't really have to try." He smiled and kissed me before starting the engine.

"Oh ok, someone's full of himselfm" I teased. He grabbed my hand while we coasted down the street and put kisses on each of my knuckles. I was, for the first time in a really long time, truly happy. With Josh, I didn't feel like I had to be someone else to make him happy, we just fit together naturally and us being together made sense.

"I'm glad we're doing this," I smiled, watching him keep his eyes on the road.

"Yeah me too. I don't want to be interrupted again," he cocked an eyebrow at me and went back to watching the road.

"No, I meant you and me. I'm really happy we're together. It feels right, you know?"

He peered at me in the corner of his eye and looked back at the road, "You're not getting all sappy on me are you?"

"Ugh you're such a guy," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm kidding babe," he laughed, interlocking our fingers, "It does, this feels good. I know what you mean. I just don't say that stuff."

When we got close to my neighborhood, I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. Josh noticed that I was wincing and asked if I was ok.

"Yeah, too much food probably, I'll be fine." I started counting days in my head and realized my aunt flow from red creek was supposed to be paying me a visit any day. Great, right before I plan to actually have sex with Josh for the first time, this has to happen. What the actual fuck mother nature?

"Just make yourself comfortable, ok?" I gave Josh a quick kiss and shot upstairs to use the bathroom, hoping my suspicions were wrong and that I still had a chance at getting some, but sure enough, my visitor came. "Ugh!" I shouted.

"Are you ok in there?" Josh asked through the door.

"Yes, just wonderful." I washed my hands and opened the door to find him leaning on the wall in the hallway. I let out a disappointed sigh. "So um, we're gonna have to postpone this....never leaving the bedroom thing, which I was really REALLY looking forward to."

"Why, what's wrong?" Josh asked, standing up off the wall and putting his hands around my waist.

"Monthly visitor," I scowled, causing him to laugh.

"Awww it's ok baby." He kissed my forehead. "Do you need chocolate or anything? I know you girls like chocolate around that time of the month."

"No, I don't need chocolate. I need sweatpants and the couch. If you want to leave, I understand. I probably won't be much fun," I said, turning to go to my bedroom.

"No, I'll stay. I want to stay with you."

"Hmm, I like you. I think I'll keep you around for a while," I smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Josh: July 26, 2014

While I waited for Rachael to change, I went back downstairs and played with Cato.

"Hey, yeah you're a good boy!" I spoke, making him wag his tail. He flopped his front paws down on the floor and ran around in circles and I suddenly missed Driver. I wondered how he was doing at Andre's. I knew Cato and Driver would get along great, I thought about bringing him with me, but he didn't care for planes too much.

Cato galloped to the hook on the wall where Rachael kept his leash and nudged it with his nose. "What?" I asked him and he wagged his tail again and let out a huff.

"Walk?" He practically nodded his head when I said the W word and jumped up on me, almost knocking me down with his strength.

"Walk?" I repeated, making him jump up and down. "Hey babe?" I hollered up the stairs.

"Yeah?" I heard her yell before opening her bedroom door. She strolled down the stairs in baggy sweat pants and a tight little tank top. Didn't think it was possible for her to get any sexier. "What?" She asked, smoothing out her hair.

"Your dog wants to go for a W-A-L-K."

She put her hands on her hips. "Ugh, you had to get him going, didn't you? Well now you have to take him." She passed me and picked up the leash from the hook. "You don't say the W word in front of him, he freaks out. Then if you don't take him, he'll ignore you and mope around for the rest of the night. So here you go." She handed me the leash and gave me an 'it's all your fault' look.

"Come with me?" I asked, giving her a sad puppy dog face and pouting my lip out. She shook her head no. "Come on, please? You can show me around your new neighborhood and we can walk hand in hand under the moonlight and shit."

"Wow you're so romantic," she laughed and gave me a little shove. "Alright Romeo, I'll go."

Cato pulled me down the street, but when Rachael commanded him, he slowed down. She grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers together like it was nothing special. But it sent a surge of energy through my whole body. She was in the middle of telling me about her neighbor's loud lawn mower when I stopped walking and kissed the base of her neck just once.

"You can't be doing that in the middle of the street, Joshua! I have nosy neighbors!" She looked around and pointed to a white house on the corner. "Look, Mrs. Peterson looks through her blinds all the time. What a witch. And besides if you do that again, you're going to make me want to have my way with you and we're a little screwed in that department right now."

"Sorry, sorry." I surrendered with a chuckle. "You just look really sexy right now, I had to."

"Yeah, yeah," she sighed, taking my hand again.

We circled the block a couple times and when we were almost back to her house, a car slowed down when it got close to us, then sped back up. Rachael peered in the driver's window and waved when she saw it was Molly. We were still holding hands and I wasn't sure if Rachael told Molly about us yet.

"Does she know about us?" I asked when Molly drove away.

"I haven't talked to her," she shrugged, "She probably suspects something now though. Everyone's going to find out eventually, right?" She asked, grabbing Cato's leash.

"Yeah, sooner or later," I let out a nervous laugh. I completely didn't think about how I was going to let the public know about us. All my other girlfriends had to deal with my crazy obsessed fans sending them death threats in the mail, and I didn't want that to happen to Rachael. I figured I'd focus on the movie for the next couple months, then after filming, figure out a way with my publicist to tell the media I was dating someone without having a shit show on my hands.

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