20- You Have Stolen My Heart

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Rachael: May 18, 2014

The sound of Freddie Mercury's voice blaring from the radio in my kitchen woke me up out of a dead sleep. I somehow wound up on my couch and my clothes were on the other side of the living room. Sure, I remember sort of sleeping with Josh last night but my memory was very vague. Noting the empty bottle of Jack Daniels on the coffee table, I knew I'd be feeling shitty that day.

"I gotta be cool relax, get hip

Get on my tracks

Take a back seat, hitch-hike

And take a long ride on my motorbike

Until I'm ready

Crazy little thing called love"

I sat up when I heard the sound of Josh's voice singing along with Crazy Little Thing Called Love and looked towards the kitchen. He was turned away from me, stirring something in a bowl and wearing nothing but his boxers. I had to rest my head on the back of the couch because I was feeling a little dizzy watching him shake his ass along to the beat of Roger Taylor's drums.

I let a laugh slip out, catching his attention and he spun around and smirked at me when he saw I was watching him.

"Hey, you're up!" He exclaimed, turning back towards the counter.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks to you and Freddie," I responded, rubbing my eyes.

Josh nodded his head and let out a little laugh. I scooted off the couch and stood up with the blanket still wrapped around me. I didn't want Josh to see me naked in the daylight. I know we had sex but he was also really drunk last night and it was different lighting then. People look a lot different the morning after. But not Josh. Josh still looked damn good. I glanced over at him again and he was now dancing to Hot Blooded by Foreigner. Take a mental picture of this, Rach. He's too cute right now.

"Now it's up to you, we can make a secret rendezvous

Just me and you, I'll show you lovin like you never knew

That's why, I'm hot blooded, check it and see

I got a fever of a hundred and three

Come on baby, do you do more than dance?"

"How do you have so much energy this morning?" I questioned, making my way to my pile of clothes.

"I don't know, I woke up and felt this sense of, uh, what's the word...freedom? Ambition? I don't know, I felt a lot of things," he laughed nervously.

"Well, I'm feeling hungover and I need some Tylenol pronto," I sighed, gathering my clothes and walking up the couple steps to my kitchen. "What on earth are you making?" I asked, seeing that he was on his tiptoes, rummaging through my spice cabinet.

"None of your business." He sank onto his heels and noticed my lovely blanket-dress, "What, are we shy all of a sudden? Not like I didn't see you last night." He gave me a little wink before pulling out my large container of cinnamon.

"That wasn't me last night. I drank too much. And when I drink too much, my clothes end up falling off."

Josh smirked as he poured cinnamon into the bowl in front of him. "Well, then you should drink more often."

"Uh, thanks," I responded awkwardly, "Ok, I need to go put clothes on. This is too weird." And with that I moseyed upstairs and took a long hot shower, attempting to wash away the regret I was feeling.

Whether he finished or not, his penis still went inside of me. That counts as cheating and I refused to be the other woman. If Josh brought up last night at all, I'd just change the subject. We had lot of other things we could talk about anyway.

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