13- Take the Hat off, Let's See It

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Josh: March 15, 2014

"Well, this should be a blast!" Rachael exclaimed with a smile as I pulled into Chelsea's driveway.

"Don't remind me. I'm just gonna go in, get Hanna and get the hell out of there. You better stay here. I think Chelsea's still scared of you," I said, slipping off my seat belt. A few months after I found out Chelsea was cheating on me, Rachael was in LA and ran into her and let her have it.

Chelsea answered the door with a smile and a hug. "Joshy! How long has it been?"

"Where's Hanna?" I responded, pushing her off me.

"She's in the bathroom. Have a seat." She gestured to the couch in her living room.

"No, thanks I'm good. What happened to her?"

"Josh, you're looking really good these days, you know?" She stepped close to me and ran a finger down my chest. "Why did I ever let you go?" She whispered close to my ear.

"Chelsea, cut the bullshit, ok? Just go tell Hanna I'm here so I don't have to see you any more than I have to."

"Wow, someone's grown a set of balls. It's about time. Fine, I'll go get her. Wait here."

I let out a deep sigh, releasing the pressure Chelsea always seemed to put on me. She was so irritatingly annoying and always found a way to get under my skin. Hanna followed Chelsea into the living room a minute later, holding her face. She started crying when she saw me. She was a mess. I brought her in for a hug.

"Babe, what happened?" I questioned, but she didn't say anything, she just kept crying.

"Why don't you guys stay here for a while," Chelsea said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"No, Rachael's in the car waiting, we have to go."

Chelsea's smile faded when she heard Rachael's name, "Oh. Don't want to keep her waiting. I know how she can be."

"Chelsea, just stop, ok?" I pleaded, rolling my eyes, "Come on, let's go. I'll get you something for that eye," I whispered to Hanna and guided her out the door.

Hanna was quiet in the car on the way to my house. Rachael moved to the back seat to sit next to her and tried to calm her down and kept asking her what happened. As much as Rachael couldn't stand Hanna, she still went out of her way to comfort her. I thought it was really sweet for her to do that.

"I just don't want to talk about it," Hanna sobbed.

"Ok, ok. We'll get you an ice pack when we get to Josh's," Rachael said, rubbing her back. She looked at my reflection in the rear view mirror and shook her head.

Rachael: March 15, 2014

Hanna stopped crying by the time we got to Josh's house. I helped her inside while Josh carried my bag and the couple stuffed animals I bought at the zoo for my younger cousins back home. (Ok, I bought a stuffed panda for myself too).

"Sit here, I'll get you some ice." I sat Hanna down on the stool at Josh's island in the kitchen. Josh was outside playing with Driver, so I took this opportunity to get the truth out of her. I put some ice cubes into a towel and held it at her face, making her cringe at first, but she softened at the coolness.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She asked.

"Well, your eye looks like shit and I can tell it hurts and I hate seeing people who are in pain. Now, do you want to tell me how you got that black eye?"

"I can't. I can't tell you right now." Tears starting falling out of her uncovered eye again.

"Alright, I tried. You don't want to talk about it, whatever." I was fed up with her crying, I know that's mean but I didn't want to listen to her anymore.

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