18- Discount Shades, Store Bought Tan. Flip Flops and Cut-Off Jeans (nc-17)

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Josh: May 17, 2014

When I saw Rachael trip over something in the yard, I ran to see if she was alright. She didn't seem like she was hurt or anything, but I had to check and see. I knelt beside her and watched her roll around and couldn't help but laugh at how cute she was.

"Are you ok? Look at you! You're a mess, let's get you inside," I held my hand out to help her up, but she just kept laughing. Her mascara was smeared on her face and I'm not sure if it was because she was laughing so hard that she had tears in her eyes or if she had been crying for the majority of the night. My suspicion told me it was the latter.

"Wait I just need a minute," she put her hand over her chest and took a few deep breaths as her laughing subsided. She rubbed her eyes and looked up at me hovering over her. "Why are you fucking here Josh?"

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit up, "Wow, you really have a way with words when you greet me these days. If you must know, I bought my plane ticket home for your wedding a while ago, and since they wouldn't let me refund it, I had to use it. So here I am."

"But why are you here, here? Like at my house? How do you even know where I live? Stalker."

I chuckled when she squinted her eyes at me. "Molly called and said you were here alone. She gave me your new address. I debated on whether or not I should even come here because I figured you didn't want to see me, but I came anyway because I didn't want you sitting on your porch like a drunken fool all by yourself." I grabbed the half empty bottle from her hand, "Now let me have some of that," I took a nice long swig, knowing I had no intentions of leaving that night, "Ahhh good stuff."

Rachael looked at me in shock before reaching for the bottle, "Hey who said you could steal that?"

"Uh, uh, uh! No more for you missy. You get angry when you drink with Jack Daniels. I don't want an angry Rachael on my hands."

"Well I don't need whiskey to make me angry, Josh. I'm angry enough just looking at you sitting on my lawn right now."

"Aww come on Rach. You can't stay mad at me for long." I flashed her my award winning smile, making her cave in.

"Oh my God I hate you. Do you have to do that to me? Wow, I'm so drunk," she smiled, holding her hand on her forehead.

"I know you are. Come on, I want a tour of your house," I held my hand out for her again to stand up, but she pushed it away and managed to get up by herself. Stubborn as usual.

"Give me that," she grabbed her bottle from me and took another drink before leading me to the porch. "That's the garage." She motioned to the garage on the side of the house before opening her front door.

"Ok, I figured that. Thank you," I chuckled and followed her inside.

Rachael: May 17, 2014

On the surface, I hated that Josh was in my house. It was my own little sanctuary and now he was invading it with his smile that drove me crazy. The sober Rachael would have told him to leave as soon as he got out of his car, but I was drunk and I didn't care. Actually, the drunk me liked having him there. Seeing him smile at me made me weak in the knees and all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around him and kiss him again, but I couldn't. And that's for one reason: Hanna.

I sat on the armrest of my couch, watching him saunter around my living room, studying the pictures on the mantle. My eyes traced the pattern on the striped tank top he was wearing that stretched over the muscles on his back, then down to his dark jeans that hugged his ass so perfectly that I just had to take a mental picture of it. He smiled nervously when he caught me staring at him.

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