27- Come Away With Me in the Night (nc-17)

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Rachael: July 26, 2014

"We'll just have to make sure we keep it between a few close people for now at least. You know how crazy my fans can get. And I don't want anything to happen to you," Josh said to me when we got in my house. Oh the perks of dating a celebrity. Hiding out from the paparazzi and fans.

"Yeah, I know," I sighed. I didn't like thinking about his celebrity status. He dragged me to the VMAs a few years ago and I hated it. I mean, it was great because I got to step in and support him when his parents couldn't make it, but I liked it better when we were just hanging out doing normal stuff.

"Kingpin?" Josh questioned, picking up the DVD case from my coffee table.

"Oh, yeah. I was going to watch it the other night with Molly, but never got around to it."

"Well let's watch it now! I haven't seen it in years! I'll tell Woody when I see him in a couple days."

"You're gone for how long again?" I asked worriedly as he crouched down to put the movie in.

"We're done with the reshoots mid-September, then I have some appearances to make in LA, at least I'll be home for a couple weeks. I don't think I'll be able to get back here until like the first or second week of October though. Then in November, I start doing press stuff for the first Mockingjay premiere and that will be crazy."

My head was starting to hurt listening to him list off his busy schedule. But it's his job and I had to stand behind him as much as it killed me to think about not being able to spend a ton of time with him.

"Ok, I don't want to think about not getting seeing you. Come here handsome," I said, patting the seat next to me.

He smiled wide and accepted my request and slid an arm around my shoulder when he sat down. I rested my head on his chest and propped my feet up on my side and traced his jawline and through the stubble on his chin with my index finger, planting small kisses on his neck and cheek.

His body warmth radiated onto my bare arm that rested on his waist. He smiled bashfully and squeezed me tight before giving me a warm soft kiss on the lips.

"You better behave yourself Wallace," he said against my lips before kissing me again.

"Can't help it, you're very irresistible, Hutcherson.

Josh: July 26, 2014

I heard a clap of thunder outside mid-way through the movie, but didn't think anything of it. It wasn't until a few more loud booms that it instantly started raining in a heavy downpour.

"I hope you closed your windows!" Rachael called out, leaping off the couch to close the windows upstairs.

I barely slid my sneakers over my toes and darted outside, making a B-line for the car. Sure enough, the windows were down. Fuck! I got soaked in the short amount of time it took me to run outside to close them and run back. I ran onto the covered porch, kicking off my shoes and wringing my shirt out before walking back inside.

"Were they down? Oh my god its really nasty out there!" Rachael exclaimed when she saw me looking like a drowned rat. She removed the hand that was cupping her mouth and studied me with her arms crossed, slowly eying me up and down as if I was on display at an art gallery.

"What?" I finally said after a few moments of uncomfortable silence.

"You're. Really. Sexy," she said as she took a few steps towards me.

"Thank you but do you have a towel?" I asked, wiping my wet forehead, not realizing that she was looking at me like I was a field mouse and she was a hawk soaring in the air above me.

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