17- Rolling Around in the Grass

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Rachael: April 26, 2014

While I waited for my coffee maker to finish, I hopped on my computer to check a few things and browse some of my favorite websites. I had typical Saturday errands planned and later, I was going to stop by Michelle and Chris' to see if they needed a hand painting their living room.

I was about to sign off the computer and grab a quick shower when a Skype notification popped up on the screen. JHutch1992 wants to connect.

We hadn't talked at all since he dropped me off at the airport after our kiss about a month ago. Not sure what I should do, I didn't click on anything and got up from the computer and went into the kitchen to fill my favorite Margaritaville mug. When I got back to my computer, I had a new message waiting for me:

Come on. I know you're there. You just tweeted. Don't worry, I'm not stalking you.

I smiled at his message and sipped my coffee thinking about how to respond and wondered if I looked ok at 9am with my hair still a mess and in my over-sized Bengals t-shirt. After I still didn't respond, another message popped up.

Rachael Wallace, just click accept. I'm sure you look fine.

How does he always know what I'm thinking even when he's on the other side of the world? I clicked accept and positioned my laptop screen so the camera could capture my face. After a brief second, there he was and my heart almost skipped a beat when I saw him again. He appeared to be in a hotel room and wore sunglasses and a trucker hat.

"Josh you look ridiculous, let me see your face," I demanded, before even saying hello.

"Wow, hello to you too." He took the shades off and positioned his hat so it was resting high on his head. He looked into his screen, I'm assuming to get a better look at me. "Did you cut your hair?"

I ran my fingers through my hair which was still a little tangled from sleeping on it, "Yeah, when I got home last month, I chopped it off."

"Oh, looks nice," he smiled and his face turned a light shade of pink.

"Thanks. So how's London treating you?"

"So far so good. My mom, dad and Connor came out a couple weeks ago to visit."

Josh: April 26, 2014

"Yeah, your mom told me," she said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"How's Cincinnati?" I asked.

"It's fine, but I'm moving back to Union soon. My friend is going with me to look at places tomorrow, actually. I can't afford to rent this place by myself anymore and I really don't want a roommate."

"Oh, cool. Yeah Hanna just got a place in Beverly Hills right before I left, she's keeping an eye on Driver while I'm here." Probably should have left that part out of the conversation.

"So that's still going on, huh?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah, it is," I answered.

"Uh-huh, and I'm guessing you didn't tell her that you kissed me?" She asked, crossing her arms and leaning on her desk.

"Not exactly."

She let out a deep breath and rubbed her forehead. "You have to tell her Josh. I know you don't need this hanging over your head right now." She looked away from me at something else on her screen, I'm guessing at the time, "I have to go. Promise you'll tell her?"

"Wait, so are we ok now?" I asked, desperate for this awkward feeling to go away.

"I guess so. Just make sure you tell her what happened."

"Alright. Hey, I want to..." Her screen went black. "See you when I get home in a few weeks. Yeah, great. Bye, Rach. So now I'm just sitting here talking to myself like a fucking moron. God dammit."

Rachael: May 17, 2014

I slept in until about 2 in the afternoon and only woke up because Molly was pounding on my front door. Molly would have been helping me get into my wedding dress that very day if it wasn't for a certain person getting cold feet and running out on me. I answered the door and she laughed at the bun that rested on the top of my head and Minnie Mouse pajama shorts and slippers to match.

"Wow. You look fabulous," she smirked before handing me a box of donuts, "Here, I got you a present. They're all Boston Cremes, your favorite.

"Oh my God I love you!" I screamed and followed her into the kitchen where I proceeded to feed my face.

"So today is all yours. I'm here whatever you need me to do, I'll do it." She proceeded to wash the dishes in the sink that I neglected.

"Take me out of here. I can't be cooped up in this house any longer." Since I already had the week off for what would have been my wedding preparations, I sat around my tiny new house all week doing nothing but eating take out and watching the Game Show Network, obviously avoiding the Newlywed Game.

Molly and I spent the day wandering around Cincinnati, just doing typical girl things - shopping, manicures and pedicures, dinner outside with a nice bottle of wine, staring at hot guys. It was what I needed. It completely got my mind off what day it was.

We were walking back to the parking lot where we parked just as the sun was starting to go down over the river. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him. It was Sam. This was the first time I had seen him since we broke up. I was dumbfounded to find him holding the hand of some skinny little blonde. He turned as white as a sheet when he saw me, but called me over anyway.

"Rachael, hey," he waved.

"Hi," I fake smiled to him and his date who looked oddly familiar.

"You've met Allie, haven't you?" He pointed to her. Then it hit me when she smiled. That was the drunk chick who Josh was hanging all over at Christina's wedding.

"I think so." I halfheartedly shook her hand.

"Oh right you two were, uh...oh." Her smile faded when she realized that when she met Sam, I was the one who was dating him at the time and I had been the one who he was engaged to for almost a year. And I was the one he broke up with just two months prior to our wedding day.

"Yeah. Well, you're obviously doing well these days. I'm gonna get going because I have a bottle of Jack Daniels waiting for me at the liquor store. This has been a real pleasure, Sam. And so funny! Running into my EX-fiance on what would have been the happiest day of my life. Thank you for calling me over here, really."

I made Molly drive me to the nearest liquor store so I could pick up my date for the night. She argued with me that it wasn't a good idea, but told me she'd do anything I wanted earlier in the day. And right then, I needed to drown my sorrows in a bottle of whiskey.

By 11:30, I had downed half the bottle and didn't have a care in the world. Molly had to go home around 10, so it was just me and my dog, sitting on my front porch, entertaining each other. I took another swig, still cringing at the taste, when a black car pulled into my driveway. I stood up, putting my hand on my Rottweiler's head in case it was an attacker, hoping that showing him that I had 120 pound dog would make him leave. I let out a sigh of relief when Cato's tail started wagging as he recognized the visitor's scent.

"Cato! Come here boy!" Josh basically squealed when he got out of the car as my dog ran up to him, licking his face. Well, as if my day couldn't get more worse, this guy has to show up.

I took another sip of whiskey and stepped down off the porch. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I shouted, and then I went down. I tripped over a hole that I had been meaning to fill in the front yard and landed right on my ass. I couldn't help but laugh at my own stupidity and drunkenness. Josh ran over to me to see if I was alright.

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