22- You'd Be A Cute Hulk Though

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Rachael: June 24, 2014

While I was sitting in a meeting going over a few contract details with one of my company's clients, I got three text messages one after the other but I had to wait until after it was over to look because I didn't want to be rude.

After I got back from my last trip to LA and after Heather told me about Josh, I decided to cool it on him for a while. I know most girls would pounce on him the second they found out he was single, but I had to get my feelings all sorted out. I was still pretty upset about Sam seeing someone.

Michelle convinced me that I should take another chance with Brian, so trusting her judgement, I went out with him a couple more times and actually had a nice time. He said he was going to be getting in touch with me today to make plans for another date, so I figured he was the one texting me.

When my meeting ended, I shook my clients' hands and hurried back to my office so I could check my messages.

Josh: Rachael

Josh: Hellooooooo?????

Josh: Answer me!!

I replied to him right away.

Me: What do you want?

Josh: Can you get on skype right now?

Me: I'm working, no

Me: And why aren't you sleeping isn't it only 7 there?

Josh: I just woke up and I want to see you

Josh: Please??? Can't you get on at lunch or something?

Me: UGH you're a pain in my ass Hutch

Me: I'll get on at 12:30

Josh: Thank you! :)

Once lunchtime came, I closed my office door so that I wouldn't be interrupted and checked myself in the mirror, fixing my hair and smoothing out my blouse. I went to my computer and took a bite of the sandwich I had and logged onto Skype and sent Josh an invitation. I took another bite of my lunch and within a few minutes, he popped up on the screen, looking breathtakingly gorgeous.

We had only spoken to each other a few times since he left Union and our conversations were usually pretty short so I never really got to ask him why he never told me about being single. It would have saved me a lot of trouble, and tears, if he had just told me so I didn't have to end up feeling like a cheap slut after we slept together.

"Ahhh there she is!" He smiled into the screen.

"Hello Josh," I replied sternly. Fucking life ruiner. Why do you have to be gorgeous all the damn time? It's going to be impossible to focus on work for the rest of the day now.

When I saw him, all I could think about was how bad I needed to taste his lips again. How my body temperature rose a few degrees every time he touched me. How I turned into a puddle of goo when he told me he'd do anything for me. I was falling, hard and fast. Screw all those thoughts about it being wrong to feel this way about someone I've known for so long.

"Wow, what crawled up your ass and died this morning?" He sat back in his seat, observing my facial expression.

"I have a bone to pick with you, Joshua Ryan."

"Oh shit, Joshua Ryan. Now I know I'm in trouble. What did I do now?"

"I saw Heather a couple weeks ago."

"Ok. And how does that make me in trouble?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"How am I the last one to know that you and Hanna broke up?" I sat back, crossing my arms across my chest and watched Josh's reaction.

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