24- Well Praise the Lord! Finally!

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Rachael: July 25, 2014

"Yes!" Was all that came out before I had to kiss him again. My boyfriend. I had to kiss my boyfriend again. It was so weird thinking that I was now dating Josh Hutcherson. The little boy who was only 3 when I first laid eyes on him was now my boyfriend. Throughout the years we had always treated each other like brother and sister, now we were a couple. It took me a while to wrap my head around it.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted this," he whispered as he strung his hands through my hair and kissed me again. "Do you know how happy I am now that this is all real?" His hand brushed my cheek, and with that simple movement and his words, I was a puddle of goo.

"I'm happy too," I smiled and kissed him again.

He pulled me down on the bed with him so that I was laying with my head on his chest. We were silent for a minute, listening to each others breathing. I was content laying in his arms and feeling his chest move up and down with every breath as he ran his hands through my hair. But fear struck every nerve in my body when I heard the garage door open upstairs.

"Um, Josh?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Yes, girlfriend? Babe? Sweetie? What do I call you?" He asked, squeezing me tight, making me have a hot flash.

I laughed, "I don't know, babe is fine."

"Ok. Yes, babe?"

"You know we have to tell people we're dating now, right?"

"Yeah, I know," he sighed.

"And you know that those people include your parents? And my dad?"


"And you realize that they'll kill us?" I asked, sitting up and looking down at him.

"They won't kill us!" He let out a chuckle and sat up next to me, "They'll be shocked, but I think they'll be happy about it. You know my parents love you, and your dad and I are pretty tight. Now get back down here."

He laid back down and pulled me with him, turning my face so it met his. His warm soft lips hit mine again and sent tingles through my whole body. Josh started to climb on top of me, but I knew Michelle would be looking for me when she saw my car in the driveway.

"No, we can't do this here. Not with your mom here. She'll be down here any minute. I know her too well."

As soon as he rolled off me, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs to the basement. "See?"

Josh rolled his eyes, "Dammit."

"You're not telling her now are you?" I asked, with my heart starting to race again.

"No, I'll wait til I get them alone," he whispered as his mom's footsteps got closer.

"Hey guys! What are you up to?" She asked, poking her head in Josh's room. I was now sitting on the foot of Josh's bed but couldn't wipe the smile off my face and he was still laying down. I knew Michelle had a sixth sense about certain things and I was starting to think this was one of them, judging by the look on her face.

"Nothing mom, just hanging out. How was Amanda's?" Josh got off the bed and walked towards his suitcase. Michelle proceeded to tell him about visiting Amanda, but I didn't understand a word she was saying.

All I could do was watch Josh as he bent down to rifle through his luggage. His t-shirt rose on his back, revealing the top of his boxer briefs. That boy is all mine now. Could I be any luckier? I felt Michelle's eyes on me and I gave her an innocent smile.

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