Chapter 5

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It's 9/11! I would say happy 9/11 but it's not a happy day. Comment if you are not fromAmerica! That would be so cool!

Annabeth's POV

I take a seat, ready for chorus. To be honest, I'm actually somewhat embarrassed to be here. There is NO WAY Percy, Rachel, Thaila, or anyone else will here me sing. No way possible.

I'll admit that I can sing. It's just a fact of, I'm embarrassed because I can.

The bell rings and the teacher rearranges our seats, so now I'm sitting beside Rachel the rest of the year. Great. Note my sarcasm.

"Okay class! Today we will not be singing."

Half of the class applause and half of it groans, with an exception of me. I just sit there and do nothing.

"Instead of singing we will be building trust! Chorus will not work if all we do is fight in here. So, to prevent that, we will be sharing one secret, or more if you like, with the person beside you. This is a requirement because this is a participation grade. Now.....GO!"

Oh no. I have to share a secret with Rachel. I do not want to do that but I also can't get a zero. I don't except zeros. No way, no how. So what do I do? I ask for a new partner.

"Miss. Chase, there is no way I'm switching your partner. You two are partners and that's the end of it." Okay, she said that really loudly. The whole class heard it. I saw Percy looking at me with sympathy.

With no choice, I turn to Rachel. "Well, well, well. Looks like I'm gonna know a little more about little Annie," she says. I raise my hand.

"Are you sure I have to do this?" I ask the teacher again. "Yes, unless you want a zero," she responds. I groan.

"Go ahead, Annie," Rachel says. "Fine. I sorta killed my foster Dad. H-he was taking me to a singing competition and the car beside us hit us head on. It's my fault. If I hadn't insisted on singing, my closet thing to a dad would still be here," I say dreadfully and angrily, biting my lip. (A/N: sorry if that was a weak paragraph) "Awe. Little Annie killed someone," Rachel said with fake sympathy. "Your turn," I say, trying to change the subject. "Okay. Percy isn't actually my boyfriend. He will be soon though," is all she said. What?! I told her something hard for me to tell and she tells me that?! Unfortunately, she was saved by the bell.

I grab my things and head to my next class. On my way I see Percy chasing me down the hall. My heart skips a beat. What does he want?

"Annabeth! I have a question for you! Will you-"

Read the upcoming chapter to see what he has to ask. What do you guys think? Comment here👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻

Please read my story Head to Head and Forever and always! Bye!

-stay smart 🙋

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