Chapter 27 - Goodbye Friend

386 11 26

Day 7 10:25pm

Kpopp - Kelly Reynolds

Smosh - Ian Hecox

Pewdiepie - Felix Kjellburg

Shane Dawson - Shane Yaw

itsGrace - Grace Helbig

The Syndicate Project - Tom Cassell

Jenna Marbles - Jenna Mourey

Minx - Michelle

Minx's Point of View

Poor guy. He's whimpering and writhing in pain due to a broken leg. Everyone's standing around Ian; Pewds, Jenna and me, we don't know how to help him. The Tyler guy is dead. We heard the cannon fire not too long ago, I personally wasn't there for it but Pewds said he drowned himself. It was when Tyler fell out of the tree and fell on top of the monkey and Ian's leg when we all heard a crunch. It's not a gentle break either; the tips of the bones are visibly poking out of his skin under the light of the silvery full moon. Themonkey is dead by a long shot, Tyler fell a long way and he would have died if his fall wasn't cushioned. It's all just a mess but it turned out alright. I mean, we killed the psychotic Tyler Oakley and I wasn't hurt by any means.

THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. The familiar sound of an approaching hovercraft can he heard over Ian's gentle sobbing. It's not long before the sounds retreat to where they came from with the body of a man who met a watery grave.

Ian lets out a scream of agony as he clutches his porcupine leg.

'How do we fix it?' Pewds asks his voice weak and shaky.

'Well I could snap it back in place. I'd be willing to give it a try,' I pipe up.

'NO! NO! NO! NO!' Ian screams at me.

'Be quiet!' I remind him. 'Don't be so loud, someone will find us.'

Ian continues to grimace, grunting that his leg hurts.

'Look, it's not so bad. It'd be better to have the bone inside of your leg instead of out.' I continue to argue but no one appears to agree with me.

'We don't want to cause him more damage. Can't you see he's hurt enough? None of us are doctors. None of us know how to fix this shit.' Jenna shuts me down, her arms flying around like crazy.

'Look, it's only going to get infected if we leave it out,' I rebut. 'We can't just leave him like this. If we are going fix him we need to put the pieces back together.'

'He has a freaking broken leg that shit takes forever to fucking heal. Even if we snap the bones back into place, it's not going to fix anything.' Pewdiepie whispers, brimming with anger and sorrow. I would too if I were him. In a place like this where your life is at risk every single second of your life, you grow attached to someone who's always there. I mean despite being a useless tool, I guess I grew quite attached to Adam but he was also a sacrifice I was willing to make.

'Jenna, do you have anything that looks like painkillers in there?' I gesture to her bag on her back. She looks up at me with a look that signals that she wouldn't know. 'Gimme the bag.'

Jenna takes the bag off her shoulders and hands it to me where I then look into the contents of the bag. Right at the bottom of them bag I find three bottles; two smaller bottles with labels written in what looks like Arabic or something with a symbol of a skull and another slightly larger bottle also written in an Arabic writing but with no skull and cross bones underneath the label. I put the two smaller bottles back into the bag and twist the cap off for investigation.The bottle has a chalky smell to it and the pills are as white as, well... Chalk. So unless these pills are chalk, they could very well be some form of painkiller.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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