Chapter 6

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I sighed straightening out my outfit. I was wearing a Gray fleece top with a matching skirt. I felt pretty.. for the first time in a while, I slipped on my black heels, they had red bottoms, and I did that for myself. I was just indicating that I want to feel sexy tonight. I wouldn't have been doing anything tonight if it wasn't for Samuel.. I probably would've stayed in my room all night while Matt fucked some hoe.

I walked downstairs seeing Matt waiting for me. "Wow Nani, you look hot. But you know you don't have to do this if you don't want to" I loved how he cared for me. No one has ever been this way towards me, not even my mom. Hence her kicking me out. "No Mattie, I want to, and besides I already kinda said I was gonna go so...might as well" I walked outside, hearing Matt unlock the door, I opened it up sitting down, waiting for what seemed like forever, but finally Matt got in the car and drove to Sam's house.

We were finally there, it might sound like I'm over exaggerating but no, Matt kept me waiting like 20 minutes because he had to do his stupid hair. I don't even take that long to do my hair!
Anyway, I got out of the car, walking over to the door, I sighed before opening it, I haven't been to a party in about 3 months.. and there was usually one every Friday. But good things haven't happened to me in a while. The house smelt disgusting, like booze and beer. I don't drink, at all, it's way too much of a risk. I wouldn't wanna end up like one of those girls that get drunk off their asses and end up naked next to a random guy, who doesn't pay child support when she gets pregnant!

I almost immediately turned around to walk out, but guess who stopped me.. Sammy. Yaaay (note the sarcasm)  "Nani you made it! You look beautiful" he had to yell over the music so I just nodded I heard what he said, but im just not buying the bullshit. "yeah, um where's Mallory? is she here?" He nodded, pointing over to the corner where Mallory and Johnson sat. I walked over to them, waving from a far, and once she saw me she got up and hugged me.  "hey! you look good, Sammy beg you to come?" I nodded, laughing a bit "Thanks, you look hot tonight, Johnson sure seems to notice" I said pointing over to him, catching him staring at her body. He looked up at us noticing we were talking about him, and started blushing. We both laughed, this moment was memorable. "Okay well I'm gonna go find Matt, bye! have fun with lover boy!"

I walked away and began to look for Matt, I swear I looked everywhere and I couldn't find him! Then I got a lightbulb, the bedrooms! I walked up the stairs, opening up the doors, I opened one of them, it wasn't Matt but it wasn't pleasant..I saw Sam on top of Giselle! and I might not have mentioned this earlier but she dropped me after Sam leaked my pictures. They looked back at me with wide eyes, I just stood there with no emotion what so ever. "Sorry, wrong room" I walked away furrowing my eyebrows together I wasn't mad that's for sure or sad.. but I was fuzzy inside. You know when your on a roller coaster and there's big drop? yeah that kind of fuzzy. "Nani wait!" I just kept walking continuing to look for Matt. And then a half dressed Sam came running at me, I gav him a weird look as he stopped and caught his breath "I'm sorry for what you saw back there, I meant nothing to me." I was still standing there with a blank face "I'm sorry too." now it was him giving me a weird look. "Sorry for what?" I laughed slightly "that you stopped. Why would you do that?" He was still catching his breath, and he put his hand on his hip.

"Because it didn't mean anything to me" I drew a blank again "Samuel it didn't mean anything to be either, What's your point?" he looked at me with an upset expression "I-i thought you liked me?" I shrugged my shoulders, giving him a sly frown "I don't have feelings Sammy, even if I did like you I wouldn't know myself. Ever since the...incident I lost feeling. I don't have emotions, I don't cry anymore, I force my laugh and my smiles" He looked appalled "D-did I do this to you?" I shook my head "I did it to myself. I took those pictures, I let you go through my laptop, and I was stupid enough to join the group when you asked me too" He was lost for words, or maybe he couldn't exactly pick out the right ones to use, but either way he was hurt. It was written all over his face along with worry, fright, and wonder.

"Okay well.. can we be friends, atleast? please I you" I nodded at him and he looked like he had won a million dollars. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. I smiled at him, but he knew it was fake, he hugged me. I was in an awkward state so I just patted his back "I'm so sorry for what I did to you, I really am Nani. I emotionally ruined you. And you only care for others, the day I found you in your bathroom hurting yourself it hurt me. It really did" I nodded my head slowly, and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He needed it more than I did. I could feel the weight being lifted off his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up while snuggling his face in my neck, and  I kissed his cheek softly and pulled  away  "Sammy go put on some clothes and come back out here, I want our new friendship to begin with good memories. Not you in your underwear." I laughed at him but it wasn't fake this time. I think me Sammy could actually be good friends...


and I'm not gonna make you guys fave anymore bc you guys obviously find it annoying


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