•Darling I Will Be Loving You Till We're Seventy • - Lashton

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I found this one & thought it was absolutely sweet. It is a Lashton story & there is smut - if you don't like smut it is marked by a line of * at the start & the end of it. (Also I do not ship the boys in this way at all)

Credit To: lucashemwow on archiveofourown.org


Ashton and Luke had always been one soul split into two people. They'd always been AshtonandLuke, LukeandAshton, never one without the other. They were joined at the hip, utterly inseparable.

They'd known each other since they were little, having been neighbours for their entire lives. Being only two years apart, with their birthdays just a week or so away from each other, made it easier to them to be the best friends that they were - and secret boyfriends.

Their mothers had known they'd eventually get together since the time they were three and five, and they'd held each other so tightly as they both vehemently cried, "He's mine!"

Luke looked back on those days with a faint smile, glad that he'd had Ashton in his life for going on 17 years. He couldn't imagine anyone else he'd want to always be at his side, the one person he could always count on. Ashton was his one and only, he knew that for a fact, despite their young ages.

He'd been there for Luke during his first panic attack when he was eight, been there when Luke's throat had closed up, his lungs had tightened, and he'd been unable to breathe, simply because of a short solo he'd have to sing for a show. Ashton had been the one to hold Luke tightly, coaxing him to breathe in time with the movement of his own chest, kissing his forehead repeatedly.

Ashton had been the one to explain Luke's apparent anxiety to his mom, and had held Luke's hand when they were at the psyciatrist's, trying to determine what the best course of action would be. Ashton was the one who pulled Luke into his chest when they'd prodded too far, making the slightly younger boy's eyes well with tears.

It was Ashton who made sure the bullies left Luke alone, Ashton who held Luke on the days where everything just seemed grey, and vice versa.

Ashton didn't know what he'd do if he hadn't had Luke, if the younger boy hadn't been there during the days after Ashton's father walked out, or been there to help when Lauren and then Harry were born. The younger boy had been the one to kiss the scars left on the inside of Ashton's wrists when the world became too much.

They were each other's rocks, anchors, even their wind when they needed to get off the ground.Luke already knew that today would go shitty.

First, it was only a Wednesday, meaning that he was only half-way through the week. He still had to deal with two more days of school, after this one.

Second, he ran out of his anxiety medication, meaning he had to go the day with nothing to even out his hormones, nothing to keep the panic attacks at bay.

Third, Ashton had to get to school early to talk to a teacher about some test he needed to retake, so Luke couldn't walk with him or get his morning kisses, which left Luke feeling glum and lonely.

Luke sighed, pushing his backpack further up his shoulder, walking through the school doors. He could already feel the panic bubbling beneath the surface as the crowds pushed against him from every side. He desperately hoped he'd be able to keep it together until he got home.

He spotted Michael's bright hair standing near his locker, and promptly took off towards him, crashing into the older boy, hard enough to push him back against the lockers.

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