Cheeky Nandos - 5SOS/1D

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Credit to: deeplynjh

Authors note from deeplynjh - Not meant to offend purely written for comedic purposes


michael: my kink is memes

luke: wtf

michael: don't kink shame 2016

harry: michael is the reason that most of my text notifications are just memes

michael: you're welcome

ashton: why are British people so confusing

louis: I literally have no clue what you're on about, I'm an absolute ledge

harry: u wot m8??

liam: British ppl are a right laugh but they'll shank ya

harry: anyone up for a cheeky nandos

luke: pls speak English

niall: I read nandos

calum: what the hell is a cheeky nandos

zayn: Why. Would. You. Ask.

harry: mate it's hard to explain

liam: mate it's just like one day you'll just be wif your mates having a look in jd and you might fancy curry club at the 'Spoons but your lad Calum who's an absolute ledge and the archbishop of banterbury will be like 'brevs lets have a cheeky nandos instead." and you'll think "Top. Let's smash it."

ashton: what the hell does this say

calum: why is my name being involved

niall: I'm crying

louis: it's not like Australians are any better

calum: wE'RE NORMAL

zayn: dude, aren't spiders in Australia like 30 inches

ashton: they can be like 1 foot

niall: I think I'm gonna pass out

michael: should I send a picture

niall: pls don't

michael: [picture attached]

louis: WTF IS THAT


liam: I'm going to have nightmares

luke: that's called a huntsman spider

(Do not google the spider unless you want nightmares & chills)


liam: ZAyn

zayn: I mean..

harry: is Australia even real

michael: lol idk

niall: I need a drink

harry: of water

niall: no, of alcohol

luke: Irish people ://

ashton: we're all being stereotypical

calum: ok smarty pants

ashton: Oi mate fuk off

liam: I'm gonna leave before I get a headache from all this Australian

calum: rude

luke: I found the Australian translation of cheeky nandos

louis: nO

harry: LEAVE

niall: sigh

luke: righto mate it's like this, you're havin' a Sunday sesh gettin fuckin' maggot with the boys, havin' a right piss up and it's fully sick.

zayn: can u not

ashton: Daveo and Steveo are settin up the barbie to cook some snags but ya fuckin' gas bottle's carked it! Bazza's like who's keen for a maccas run but you had maccas for brekky and Tommo had it this arvo.

louis: what

michael: Then Archie, the fuckin' mad cunt he is, goes hey boys I'll be DD, piles us into the commodore (SSV cuz he's big mobs of cash doin FIFO) and we all cruise down to nandos for a feed.

calum: I would like to apologize on behalf of Australians everywhere

liam: I've never been so confused

niall: this concludes our daily Australian talk, pls let's never do this again

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