Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right." Quote by Oprah Winfrey

After the Christmas Ball, there was the Christmas Holiday. In this holiday Bryar phoned Audra and her parents. Audra had a new job in an animal shop but the animals were driving her nuts. She claimed that they were more demanding than a small child. Bryar's parents were working – as usual – but they had more time for her so Bryar had a good talk with them.

In the holiday itself Bryar spent Christmas day with the girls and just had an amazing time. They went shopping to buy Christmas presents for each other and on Christmas Eve they would lay them under the small tree in their room so they could open them on Christmas day. Bryar had bought for Aoide very good murder mystery book, for Noa a journal for her to draw her designs in because she said that she really needed a new one, and for Carmina her favourite series on DVD so they could watch it together whenever they had the time. Bryar was really happy with all her presents and she couldn't wait till Christmas day.

When Christmas day arrived, everyone was excited. Before breakfast all the girls went and opened their presents. Bryar had received two CDs, a book, a make-up set and a scarf set. All the girls loved the presents that Bryar had bought for them. They all enjoyed their Christmas breakfast in the Great Hall. The rest of the days they just spent out of the school, going to parks to make snowmen and then going in to drink hot chocolate. While they were drinking their chocolate, Morgan walked past the cafe they were sitting in. Immediately the girls reacted making kissing sounds and laughing. Bryar hid behind her cup in embarrassment. She watched him walk away and she felt her heart flutter. Her friends just giggled at her as her eyes followed him until he walked around a corner. Bryar knew she couldn't deny it any more: she was falling for Morgan.

The rest of her holiday was extremely peaceful. She met up with the guys a couple of times and she also ran into Shira, wishing her a great holiday. Bryar was walking down the hallway, reading her book, when she suddenly ran into someone. Bryar looked up from her book into the molten gold eyes that belonged to Jordan. She smiled at him, which he returned except then more confident than Bryar's smile had been. Since they had danced together at the Christmas Ball he had been really nice towards her and she really wanted to keep it that way.

"Hi Bryar, how are you doing?"

"Fine, thanks. How are you?"

"Great. Want to grab a cup of coffee and catch up?" Bryar was a bit unsure about his offer with him being a teacher and all. In the end she agreed and ended up having a great time. She was getting to know Jordan a little as well and he wasn't always as stuck up as she thought he was. They definitely had more of a friendship now and Bryar only wanted to keep it at that but he was definitely growing on her.

After the Christmas Ball almost all the students stayed at school to celebrate New Year's Eve together. When New Year's Eve arrived, Bryar was really excited. It had been an amazing year at St. Vitus and Bryar really had enjoyed herself. Students had bought fireworks – some more than others – which were going to light up the night sky at St. Vitus at twelve o'clock. Around half past eleven the students started to stand outside and getting ready to watch the firework display. Bryar wore her thick winter coat and a warm scarf as she stood outside with Aoide. Carmina and Noa were also outside, trying to get hot chocolate for all of them. When the big clock struck twelve, all the students cheered and some even kissed. Bryar cheered as well until she heard her name being called. She turned around, only to run straight into Dace's rock hard body. He slid his arm around her waist to steady her. She looked up and saw him smiling at her, his eyes flashing to her lips.

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