Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

“I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.”[1]

After the date Bryar and Morgan only spent more time with each other. Not only going out or studying together, but also in their dancing it was visible that their bond had become stronger. Their moves were completely in sync and the emotion was raw and real. As the weeks past they spend their weekends together, and only together.

Morgan had already taken her to the local cinema and another dance show she had been dying to see and they always ate in a restaurant. Bryar couldn’t express how much she enjoyed her dates with Morgan, but she enjoyed being with him more than anything. When she was around him she felt relaxed – calm and for once – really alive. Her friends could only listen to her gush after each date how amazing it had been and how hard she was falling because it was the truth. It was no longer a crush anymore, but Bryar wasn’t sure if it was love either. She hoped it was.

They had also created the tradition to phone each other if they couldn’t sleep. Bryar would creep out of her bed and look at the stars in the night sky as Morgan’s whispered sweet words through the phone. It was a Thursday night, and this night was no different.

“Tonight was amazing.  As much as I would love to talk to you the whole night, I really have to hang up. I have two important tests tomorrow.” Bryar said while pulling on her messy bun.

“Bryar, you are incredibly intelligent so you wouldn’t learn anyways and it’s only PE and Modern. If you don’t pass those tests I will walk around the school in my underwear.”

 “Is that a dare I hear? Because that, personally, sounds like a lot of fun.” Morgan chuckled.

“I’m going to have to decline. I can’t help that I can’t fall asleep. As Dr. Seuss said: When you are in love you can’t fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams.” Bryar smiled. She loved when he was so romantic and sweet. She really loved gentlemen-like guys and Morgan definitely belonged in that category. 

“Good night. I will see you tomorrow.” She moved the phone from her ear but just as she was about to end the conversation, Morgan spoke up.

“Bryar? Can we meet up after the lessons? There is something I want to ask you.” Bryar quickly whispered a quick ‘yes’ and she ended the call. She ran and fell into her bed. Not ten seconds later the door opened and Mrs. Heartburn appeared. She looked around and left again.

Bryar sighed. She really shouldn’t break the rules like that but she couldn’t help it. She was addicted to Morgan and he was so worth breaking the rules. Bryar snuggled in her sheets and closed her eyes, which soon turned into a deep slumber. Which was abruptly broken the next day by a stressing Carmina who was warming herself up in the bedroom.

Friday they were told that they had an Open Evening, which was a first this year. It was really special because family could come over and see your progress and other important representatives from famous dance companies could come looking for their next talent. They were dancing the American Smooth but because everyone was so excited and talkative, they didn’t have any chance to dance anything. Bryar was also looking forward to show her parents what she had learnt all this time. She and the girls had immediately decided that they were going to be in great shape so that weekend they were already going to start with practice.

     As promised Bryar decided to sharpen all her solo’s some more so she booked a practice room for two hours. She secretly hoped that Kieran would be there because she hadn’t seen him in a really long time and he always helped her improve. Bryar walked into the rehearsal room and started her stretches. She really focused on her arms and feet because they were a big part in the American smooth.

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