Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

“The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.”[1]

The rest of the weekend Bryar didn’t do much of anything. She hadn’t seen Morgan at all, which only made her worry more. The choreography had only taken her a couple of hours to do so she was done before she knew it but didn’t feel like working on her History project. But Monday came with a lot of good news.

“ So the whole school is doing their yearly May project, starting today and this year the school board has decided to make it a Through the Decades project.” Mr. Jackson announced in class. Everyone burst out in chatter and laughs.

“Okay, quiet down class!” He yelled just to get over their enthusiasm. “Every year has a different decade and the first years have the Roaring twenties!” This just fuelled their enthusiasm, Bryar also smiled and whispered with the girls. The Roaring Twenties was a great time period, especially for dance and music. Once everyone had calmed down, Mr. Jackson continued.

“So, for each subject you all are going to do something that is related to the Roaring Twenties,” He paused momentarily before continuing with a smile on his face, “In Drama, we are going to perform ‘The Great Gatsby’.” Bryar couldn’t hold back her excitement now either. She loved the Great Gatsby. When she was fourteen it was one of the literary books that her mother forced her to read but she ended up loving it so much that it was all she talked about for weeks.

The bell rang and Bryar went off to her next class. Just like Mr. Jackson had said, they were all focusing on the 1920’s in all her other classes. In her Ballroom classes they were learning how to dance the Charleston and in English they were studying the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Bryar really loved learning about this time period. This was also a great distraction from her History project and her little problem with Morgan at the moment.

But she knew that she couldn’t but this off forever.

The week passed by quite quickly and Bryar was having more fun in class than she had in a long time. She had already finished everything she had to do for all her classes in the class itself mostly so she knew that she had all the time to solely focus on her History project. So when the weekend came by again and Morgan still seemed incredibly busy with something else, Bryar decided to lock herself in the library to work on the project. It was easier said than done.

After staring at the blank computer screen for an hour, Bryar still couldn’t word it like she wanted to. Maybe I just shouldn’t put it in. Maybe it should remain a secret. She thought as she looked up at the ceiling. Suddenly someone came and sat next to her. Bryar looked over and saw that it was Shira. She smiled and Bryar smiled back.

“Hey, what are you up to?” She asked.

“Still working on my History project.” Bryar said while scrolling up and down with the mouse, showing her the document.

“Aha, and how is that working for you so far?” Bryar sighed.

“I’m kind of stuck right now.” She replied honestly.

“You haven’t had any new leads or do you think there is all there is to find?” Bryar thought about her question.

“I think this is all there is.” She answered.

“Well, what are you waiting for then? Just write it down!” Shira said, enthusiastically. Bryar rolled her eyes with a smile.

“It’s not that easy. I… I can’t figure out how to word it correctly.” Bryar thought back at that one time she saw Shira at the lake.

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