Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world." Quote by  C.S. Lewis

The rest of the week was just as interesting as her Monday. Bryar made sure to stay away from Parisa because there was just so much a human being could handle. On Tuesday she had her first Ballet lesson. Ballet was the dance style that meant the most to her because it's what got her started. She could always turn to her ballet. Ms Claudine Bussel gave all the ballet lessons. She was a woman in her mid fifties who had experienced her ballerina stardom in her early years and decided to train young girls to be the prima ballerina she used to be. She never married and she didn't have any kids. She always claimed that she only had one love: Ballet.

After her first lesson Bryar already knew that she was one of the best ballet teachers Bryar had ever had. Ms. Bussel didn't care for laziness or imperfection. Throughout the school year they would do six great ballets and based on your skills, reputation, behaviour and representation you would be cast in your roles. This lessons she had with her whole class as well which was nice because Bryar always enjoyed her lessons more if one of the girls were there.

First thing they had to do in all their dance classes: warm up. The whole time Bryar had the feeling that she was being watched. A couple of times she found Morgan looking at her or in her direction but she was certain that it wasn't his stare that she was feeling. She quickly got over it and focused on Ms. Bussel. They had learned a little routine that they were going to do to music.

As soon as Ms. Bussel put the music on Bryar felt the music right down in her soul and moved her limbs with that feeling. It was just her and the music. It felt amazing and it calmed her down – gave her some peace in her mind. When the music stopped and she opened her eyes she found everyone staring at her and Ms. Bussel with a knowing look on her face. Right at that moment the bell rang through the room that was a signal for Bryar to leave. Before she came to the door she got help up by three girls, her three friends nonetheless.
"Up high, Bry! That was so beautiful. I have no words." Aoide said hardly able to contain her excitement. By the looks on the faces of Carmina and Noa, Bryar gathered that seeing Aoide excited wasn't something that happened often.

"O no, Fashionista is quoting House. Something big must be happening." Carmina said while grinning. Noa chuckled, trying to hide it behind her hand.

"Thank you, Ide. That compliment means the world to me." Bryar answered while hugging her friend. "I'll be ready in a minute. I just need to get dressed." Bryar said while walking away.

"Don't get too distracted by Shadow." Carmina yelled back at her. Bryar looked at her questioningly. Just when Morgan walked past and she saw the girls grinning while pointing at him. Bryar's cheeks changed to the colour of her hair. She stuck her tongue out while walking into the girls' changing rooms.

Later on in the day she still had Costume Design. As soon as Bryar saw this option on her school sheet, she immediately signed up for it. Ever since she was a little girl she had drawn in model books and created her own designs. Fashion was something that fascinated her but she never wanted to become a fashion designer. It would be an amazing job but to be able to become famous and rich like most people have in their mind is extremely hard and nearly impossible to do. So she decided to be more specific and Costume Design seemed like a good way to go.

Her Costume Design teacher was Ms. Louisa Vaci also known as Ms. V. She was in her early twenties and she could easily be recast for Meryl Streep in Devil wears Prada. She had beautiful blonde hair that was always up and she would never have been caught dead in a pair of comfy trousers and a formless top. She was pristine and perfect but with her heart in the right place.

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