Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

“School should be the best party in town.”[1]

On the last day of the week, the whole school was psyched up for the Valentine Bash. It was the only thing girls could think and talk about and the boys were getting worried about all the little details. All the girls wondered in anticipation with whom they were to dance. There was loads of talk about fairy tales and romance from the girls. Because who could resist a Prince Charming with a mask?

When all the lessons were finished, the girls rushed immediately to add the finishing touches to their outfits or to get ready for the Bash. Bryar went outside and walked the in gardens for a while. She really loved the fresh air even if it was on the chilly side. Bryar had arranged to meet the girls at five o’clock so that they would still have enough time to change and get ready for their dinner. Bryar casually walked through the park, letting the paths take her somewhere, and stopped at a bridge to overlook a little pond. Suddenly a voice interrupted the peaceful silence.

“Don’t you have to get ready for the Bash?” Bryar immediately knew who it was without looking up. “No not really, I don’t need four hours to get ready. I’m not really like other girls.” She replied as Jordan walked forwards and leaned against the bridge.

Jordan smiled a genuine smile. “No, you are not. But I don’t think you know how unique you actually are.” Bryar blushed and quickly changed the subject.

“Are you coming?” Bryar asked curiously. Parisa had probably already asked him. She thought to herself. No surprise there then of course.

“Well, I’m not going but I will be there.” Bryar looked up at him. He wore a very amused expression while keenly watching Bryar’s face. Bryar didn’t understand what he meant but she didn’t bother asking further. After a couple of minutes standing together Bryar noticed that it was half past four and that she should better make her way back.

“Well, I’m going. Maybe I’ll see you at the Bash otherwise, have a good weekend.”  Jordan smiled again while moving suddenly very close towards her. Bryar unconsciously held her breath in. Suddenly she was aware of everything, his warm breath on her neck, the amber coloured specks in his eyes, the cold biting her fingers but worst and strongest of all: the urge to kiss him.

“I’ll be the one completely in black with a white rose.” He whispered in her ear. Bryar moved away and felt a blush on her cheeks again. She turned on her heel and walked away quickly.  When she looked back she saw Jordan bending over the bridge twisting the stem of a flower in his hand, his piercing stare on her. When Bryar looked good she noticed what for flower is was.

A white rose.

Bryar made it back in ten minutes and she decided to spend the rest of her time with the boys in the common room. She hadn’t seen them in such a long time even though they were Casanovas, they were very sweet and nice guys. They all welcomed her back with open arms. Her last twenty minutes she just chatted with them about all kinds of things. Dace was being his charming self, flirting endlessly with Bryar what only made her smile. Kaleo, Hymen and Zamir told her about their Valentine Bash experience so far. Bryar also found out about who the guys were going to take to the Bash, Hymen was going with Faye; Kaleo was going with Lyra but just as friends; Zamir was going with a girl Bryar didn’t know but remembered seeing her somewhere and she knew that she was a nice girl. Dace’s date shocked Bryar the most of all.

“You’re going with Parisa?!” Bryar nearly screamed through the whole common room. Good thing that it wasn’t the library. Dace gave her an amused look, like the one Jordan had given her not half an hour ago.

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