2. Be there in a couple of minutes

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I looked everywhere but still no sign of Justin, mmh his flight must be late. I walked to the nearest vending machine and I got myself a chocolate bar, I quickly opened it and lifted it to my lips, gosh it tasted like heaven, I was about to take another bite when my phone started to vibrate

It was a text from my mum


about to board, you'll never guess who I bumped into...... Yes Justin. I told him what you wearing so he'll come find you, don't go to far..

xxxx mama

P.S ease up on the chocolate okay, love ya

I giggled and took another bite of my chocolate when I suddenly felt hands around my waist. 'piss off Bieber'' I hissed ''who's Bieber baby?'' said an all to familiar voice. "What the fuck do you want Rigo? I told you to stay away form me"

He pulled me closer and whispered "not until I get what I want Bella"

I scanned the room a noticed a security guard walking by 'MA'MA CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME" she came over and Rodrigo immediately let go off me, he gave me a death glare and and said he'd be back

clichéd much?? I walked over to the lady and asked here if she'd seen Justin. She just kept smiling and nodding so I turned around and followed her gaze

Justin walked towards us and gave me a huge hug and said ''wow you look amazing" "uhm hey Bieber'' was all I could say, the car ride wasn't as awkward as I thought it actually wasn't awkward at all

we caught up a bit and I know I hate his guts but his all I have right now. We finally arrived I pulled into his drive way and helped him with his bags, after getting everything in I quickly said goodbye but he pulled my wrist.

''Let go of me you jerk'' ''Bella come on stay a little longer please" he smiled and pouted I rolled my eyes and headed to the door, before I was out the door I turned around and caught him checking me out. WAIT WHAT HIS CHECKING MY OUT??

he smirked I rolled my eyes and was one my merry way...

I was watching TV. Phineas and Ferb to be exacted. Candace was pulling her mum to the backyard (as always).

I sighed when my phone vibrated. God, it was all the way over on the counter. It buzzed making an unpleasant sound on the granite. I got up and put the phone to my ear, almost missing the call. "Hello?" I said not even checking the caller ID.

The voice on the other side was clear and I frowned knowing who it was. "Don't sound too excited to hear from me."

I rolled my eyes even though he wasn't there to see it. I made my voice deep and sultry. ''What do you want Bieber?"

He chuckled on the other line. "That's no way to speak to your best friend" I could practically see him leaning on his couch, relaxing with the phone between his ear and shoulder, twisting his rings.

''argh whatever...'' he cut my off and said "Well, what do you want to do? We could... Go to the movies," I looked to the kitchen. "Or have a picnic."

"Yeah, we could do that. Why don't you come over and we'll figure it out."

"Hmm, well, if you insist. I'll be there in a couple minutes."

He hung up and I walked to the door wait, did I just agree to hang out with him?? Noooo Why did I do that?

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