4. Brown eyes

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"Hello..... Okay.... Yeah I'll be right over.. bye'' Lisa said whilst making her way to the front door ''Guys, I have to go, my mum's have a bad hair day or something, gosh she can be such a diva!"

I stood up and walked her out.. When I got back into the living room I noticed Justin and Fredo were missing..

"Fredo? Justin where are yoou?" I shouted nobody answered so i walked into the the kitchen and I suddenly felt myself being lifted off the ground and onto Justin's shoulders

''What the fuck?? Justin put me down!'' i shouted "ohoh somebody's being nasty" he said walking into the living room I spotted Fredo and screamed for help, he just look at me and began to laugh

Justin threw me onto the coach "well what do we do to you little ms potty mouth?" asked send Fredo a smirk

"hmm i think a few tickles should fix her up" said Fredo whilst moving closer.

My eyes immediately shot out and I tried to escape, they began to tickle me. I laughed so hard that tears began forming in my eyes

''P.p.please let me go" I said out of breath ''Say you love us first" they both said in union

"n.n.never" I managed to say "well okay then we ain't stopping'' said Justin with a huge adorable smile on his face gosh it was so cute. Yes I just said he has a cute smile

''Oookay okay I Love ya'll" I shouted they stopped and started laughing at me obviously.

After a few minutes of heavy breathing I stood up and crossed my arms

Justin's P.O.V

''You know what, you guys are both mean I'm going'' she said heading for the door ''No Bella don't'' Fredo pleaded She sent me a pleading look ''Let her go" I said

"Thank you Bieber" She said genuinely smiling at me for the first time since I arrived 'Text me when you get home so I know you didn't get hit by a bus" I added. She rolled her eyes, sent me a death glare and walked away.I chuckle. After the front door shut I Fredo asked me something that threw me off guard..

"Okay how have you not fallen for her, she's so cute and adorable?" I shot him a look ''What?" I asked. "C'mon you know I have a point,you can't honestly tell me that you've know her for so long and haven't got any feelings for her'' he said ''Okay yeah, I've taught about it before but, I don't know it's just complicated'' I said looking down

''Finally you admit it'' Fredo said with a goofy grin on his face ''It's never gonna happen'' I added ''Whatever'' was all Fredo said grabbing the remote a scrolling trough the channels.

I couldn't stop thinking about what he asked. Okay yeah I love her laugh and big brown eyes. and even though I've know her for 18 years and still I love holding her and being around her and I think she's insanely beautiful and funny but...

Holy crap did I just say that? Am I in love with Isabella not I can't be. But I am but she clearly doesn't like. I know she had a crush on me when we were younger but she's gotten over it


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