25. Three words

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"Hello?" I called out as I entered my apartment after coming back from Ciaras

I knew I had to talk to Lisa I couldn't ignore her forever, considering the fact that I live with her, I might as well get it over and done with now.

After a few seconds Lisa called back to me. "I'm in the kitchen!"

Taking a deep breath I walked into the kitchen and found her washing dishes.

She didn't turn around when I walked I. n so. I went to sit on the island.

Just as I set down she turn around and look right at me. Neither of us said anything for what felt like forever. We just set there, staring at each other. Finally I decided to speak up first.

"Okay here's the thing" I started out "your my best friend, basically my sister and I love you to death. But what you said really, really hurt me. I know that you gave up a lot for me.

And I'll be forever grateful but if the situations were reversed I would at least support whatever you decided to do.

I just don't know how you could ever say something like that to me."

She sighed. "I swear to you. I didn't mean what I said. Of course I'm going to be there for you and support you. Even if I think its a dump idea"

"I hope that's the case cause right now I'm thinking of going to see him tomorrow.

I still care about him, I know he hurt me. But I still love and care about him.

You know his a good guy. Don't you think we should at least try to get through to him?" I replied

"I care about Justin, that guy you and I both see on the news everyday isn't justin." She added

I sighed. "I know that's why someone need to get through to him. Someone needs to bring the real Justin back."

"Why does that someone have to be you?" She asked a bit frustrated

"Because" I started "Everyone else has already tried. And we all know that If Justin doesn't want to hear something, he's just not going to listen.

But everyone else seems to think he'll listen to me. So if I can help, don't you think I should at least try?" I asked

"You're right I guess" she shrugged

Shortly after that she went to bed. I was still set in the kitchen. I grabbed my phone and called Afredo

"Hello" He spoke into my phone after two short rings

I hesitated before saying the three words that would ruin everything I had been working on for the past three months.

"I'll do it"


The moment of truth has finally arrived. Hope you liked the chapter

Its my Birthday :). Turning 17.

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I love you all



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