16. Emma

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I can't believe Emma well be spending Summer with us. She such a little cunt. Well quick recap. I think she and Justin Slept together. Yeah she's never let that go, summer is gonna be hectic trust me.

I made breakfast Emma and I quickly ate and went upstairs. The boys are at Fredo's place so it just me, Lisa and the bitch.

"Bella I'm not sure about what I saw that night, I was drunk. I could have misinterpreted everything" "Babe its fine"

"Bella its obviously not I know how much Justin means to you"

"Emma was probably just trying her luck, I really don't car..."

"You're just mad because I got a piece of. Justin and you didn't" an annoying voice interrupted. I turn around to find Emma stand on the door with her hands crossed

"Really Emma.??" " YESS YOU JEALOUS BITCH" Emma spat

I lunged at her. "What the fuck did you call me???, say that again and I'll give you a permanent make over" " haha I'm not scared of you, you little hoe"

That's it. I've had enough. I swung my fist and it connected with her face. She fell.

Lisa fell off the bed laugh. " You were just an easy fuck, he was drunk we'll see if he'll look at you twice now that his sobered up"

I pushed Emma out of my room and slammed the door in her face. Pushed the door open, which in turn hit me.

She pushed me and I tripped over a chair. I quickly recovered and lunged at her. Grabbing her fake blond hair, tossed her out, shut and looked the door.

My knee was bleeding. "What the fuck?? Bella when did Emma become so bold??" "I don't know Lis and I frankly don't care she's messing with the wrong chick" I spat "I swear I will.."

A knock on the door interrupted me. Damn today is not my day. I quickly cleaned my wounds and went down stairs"

Its was Justin and Fredo the had snacks, movies, soda and chocolate.

Lisa and I helped them carry the stuff into the living room when Emma Came down the stairs screaming


She quickly ran back upstairs after noticing everyone. That little cunt

I went to the kitchen and ordered pizza, when I came back Lisa was sitting with Fredo and Justin with Emma.

Justin moved to the other coach, he bit his lip and patted the sit next to him. I sat with him.

Emma stood up and sat on his lap. He got up, resulting in her falling over and sat on my lap.

Ever since Emma got her I don't know. I feel like Justin might sleep with her again. We aren't officially together so I don't know any more. Well back to the story. Everybody laughed. Emma went red in the face. I ignored her.

I pushed Justin off of me. He got back up and tackled me to the couch.

"Justin stop, get off!" I ordered " He lowered his lips to my ear and whispered " I like being on top of you" "I don't" "What? You wanna be on the top?" He asked

"Oh my fucking gosh Justin" I gasped and looked up at him. He kissed my cheek. Oh no her come the butterflies. I was begging to get nervous maybe he doesn't like Emma after all. But all I knew was that he was beginning to make me nervous AGAIN


He everybody I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Much love please comment, vote and share. I love you all



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