23. Think about it

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"Just as sure as the stars in the sky. I need you to shine in my life. Not just for the meanwhile. But a long, long time. Better believe it.

When ever you're not in my presence. It feels like I missing my blessing. So I sleep through the daylight. Stay awake all night. Till you're back again

Only be missing my lover. Only miss you cause you're all that matters to me. Ain't worried 'bout nobody else. If it ain't you. I ain't myself. Bella you make me complete

Tell me what's a king bed, without a queen? There ain't no I in team. You make me complete, you're truly all that matters to me. please call me back. I just need to talk to you"

Another voice message from Justin.

After about four hours of our of our 'girls night' we called it a night and both retired to our rooms. I changed into sweats and a T-shirt before crawling into bed.

I grabbed my macbook and logged into Twitter and scrolled through my news feed. Like ever other night I didn't even bother looking at my mentions

Every since all of this shit with started, his fans have been blaming me. Saying things like if I had never broken up with him then none of this would've happened.

And to be honest I can't say I disagree with them. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't constantly hurt to see it.

As I scrolled down my timeline. I heard my phone vibrate across the night stand. I sigh and grabbed it.

To my surprise it wasn't Justin. It was somebody I hadn't talked to in a while. It was Fredo

I debated on answering it or not. Knowing he was calling me to ask about Justin.

After taping on answer. I put my phone to my ear. "Hello"

"Bella? Hey, Its me fredo. How are you" he asked sounding very surprised and relieved that I actually answered

A small smile cribbed on to my face "hey Fredo. Just fine and guess and you?"

"I-m- I'm not so good to be honest. Look I know his probably not your favorite in the world right now, but honestly his nobodys favorite. He needs help. He needs your help"

I groaned I ran my fingers through my hair. "Is it as bad as everyone makes it seem?"

"Honestly?" He paused as if waiting for me to reply. When I didn't answer he continued

"Its actually worse, much worse. The does not know the half of it. He's out of control. He acts like everyone is his enemy and everyone is out to get him. He's pushing everyone away."

I sighed "Fredo do you think that this is all my fault? That If I had never broken up with him. None of this would be happening?"

"No, its not your fault, his constantly under a lot of pressure, the media, the paps and coping with being a teen sensation. I just think you breaking up with him set all free. But don't get me confused. I'm not saying its your fault, you have a good reason to breaking up with him"

I nodded as if he could see me "Look I just wanted to call and tell you that his coming back to LA on Saturday. I know it will be the first time you to are in the first Country let alone city since you broke up. Just wanted to give you a head up. In case he comes to you. Which I'm sure he will"

"Ohh'' was all that left my lips. "I landed in LA this morning and I the something I have to tell you can we meet up?" "Huh yeah sure you'll text me the details?" I asked

"Sure kido" he said hanging up.

I brought my hands to my head. Slightly pulling on it. I don't think this is a good idea. But I already said I would go.

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