26. House

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I glanced at the clock it had just turned 11:00. The time Fredo said he would be picking me up.

When I spoke to him on the phone last, I told him I would only go talk to Justin if he went with me. He agreed without hesitation.

I gave myself one more glance in the mirror when I heard a knock on the apartment door.

As I grabbed my phone off my bed, I heard lisa answering the door for Fredo.

That must be awkward they haven't spoken since the break up. I decide to give them a few minutes to talk.

I excited my bedroom, walking down the short hall to the front door and interrupting Lisa and Fredo.

"We'll talk soon okay?" Fredo said to Lisa before looking at me and giving me a sympathetic smile. "Are you ready?"

"No" I answered honestly. "But if we wait for the day I'm ready for this, I don't think we'll ever end up going."

He just sort of shrugged as Lisa turned towards me. Pulling me in for a hug. She wished me luck before Fredo and I exited the apartment building and went to his car.

When we were in the car driving down the road. Fredo turned to look at me. "We can't thank you enough for doing this. So if you want to leave at any point, just let me know and we'll be out of there. Okay?"

I just nodded looking out the window. The amount of nervousness inside me was kind of ridiculous. I guess that's expected though.

But at the same time, I don't think that I should ever feel nervous to be around him, considering the fact that I was, am still in love with him. Shit happens I guess.

Before I knew it we were parking in front of Justin's giant house.

I could tell that Fredo was waiting for me to show that I was ready to go in. So after a few minutes of dead silence, I took a deep breath. "Okay, let's do this"

With that we both hopped out of the car, felt like it took forever to actually reach the front door, but when we did, I honestly thought I was going to throw up.

"Are you okay?" Fredo asked as we stood on the front door.

I nodded. "Let's just get this over with."

He nodded, before opening the door. It felt a little weird to walk into Justin's house like I just to, but I did anyways.

"Yo, Justin! Where are you" Fredo called out through the house.

We stood there waiting for a response for a while. When we didn't get one Alfredo tried again only louder this time.

"Justin where are you?"

He didn't answer again so Fredo called out one last time. Within seconds we heard Justin scream out. " Fredo chill the fuck out! What the fuck do you want?"

My eyes widened as I glanced at Alfredo. Never since I met Justin, have I personally heard Justin talk to anyone like that, especially one of his best friends. Fredo gave me a look to let me know that this is how its been lately with Justin.

I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest, and looking in the direction we had heard Justin's voice come from. Right as I looked that way, Justin appeared shirtless.

My eyes widened a bit as I quickly looked away. When I looked back at him, he was just standing there. Staring at me. Shock written across his face.

"We need to talk to you, well actually Izzy needs to talk to you." Fredo finally spoke up, trying to break the tension in the room.

Justin opened his mouth to say something, but was cut of before anything could come out.

"Justin where'd you go?" I heard a female voice from upstairs.

Fredo and I looked at the top of the stairs to find some random girl standing there in nothing but one of Justin's shirts.

My jaw dropped open a bit, as I looked at Fredo. He was already looking right at me, worry written across his face. I quickly shut my mouth turning towards Justin.

He still hadn't looked away from me, but his whole facial expression had changed. This was obviously something I wasn't suppose to see or hear about.

I glanced between the three people standing in front of me one more time; a guilty Justin, Worried Fredo and smirking bitch.

For the first time since I entered this house I spoke up. "We should probably go, this is a bad idea."

I took one step towards the door but Justin quickly stepped in front of me, blocking me.

"No. Please don't leave, you guys go sit in the living room. I'll take care of this before I came there."

Reluctantly, I turned around and walked towards the living room, Fredo following behind. We set on the couch besides each other.

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