11. dress

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The numbing fire between us was crazy. I had my hormones everywhere as I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him close to me.

His arms ran up and down my thighs, as he slipped it up my dress. I didn't mind at all, yeah this was fast but who cares?

I haven't eyed anyone but him for years, you know aside from that pig Rodrigo, I found him getting on with a damn waitress in the ladies restrooms. Can you believe it? Yeah me neither. 

Anyway back to the story.  The fire between us only intensified as we lifted my legs up to his waist whilst walking up to the bed never once breaking the kiss.

I felt my head hit the soft pillow. as soft moan managed to escape my lips, he only took advantage of this by slipping his tongue into my mouth, a chill went down my spine as his lips started twirling with mine whilst battling for dominance, I eventual gave in feeling his lips perk up as a smirk grew upon them, he pulled away for air, both of us breathing heavily.

Within swift move my dress was off and so was his shirt, I swear I was in heaven when I was his abs, those airs with cute tattoos and that V-line.............. 

''mhh take a picture it last longer" he stated lowering his body on to mine, I could do not but roll my eyes

As I felt his lips go down my jawline and then he continued to leave a trail of soft kisses on my neck until he found my soft spot, I squirmed causing him to suck my soft spot harder, he left his lips make to mine.

I flipped us over so that I was in control, I made it my duty to leave a trail of soft kiss along his perfect jawline, he pulled closer to his erection, I straddled him and started kissing his soft spot, {I've always know where it was} whilst my arms explored his perfect body.

I SUDDENLY HEARD "I knew right from the start that we'd be more than friends somebody broke..." my phone started blowing up,  

He groaned when I started walking towards it, with a slight giggle my expression changed as I saw who was calling

It was Lisa Oh Noooo, I had totally forgotten about here..............

Taking a deep breath and awaiting her reaction I slowly answered the phone "hello.............'


HEY GUYS I JUST WANT TO THANK YOU ALL FOR THE AMAZING REVIEWS I've gotten on Twitter I love you all sooooo much, oh and thank you for being so patient :} comment and tell me what you think will happen next, oh and I'm up for suggestion, I'm letting you my flawless readers decide on a plot for the upcoming chapters so comment or hit me up on @belieber_letoy and you could get a shout out on the next chapter xoxox stay beautiful oh and sorry for the short chapter reallly busy - Letoy

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