27. Jealous

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As we there on the couch, Fredo and I stayed silent.

I knew he was worried about me. And I guess he had reason to be. Seeing that girl in Justin's shirt and knowing that she obviously stayed over was absolutely hurting me.

But I wasn't going to let that get to me. The reason we're here has nothing to do with Justin and I. The reason we're here is that Justin needs.

He needs someone to get through to him. So my emotions are the last thing needed right now.

After sitting there for about 10 minutes, we heard the front door open and close, before Justin came in and set across from us. "So what's going on?"

Fredo and I looked at each other, he nodded his head towards Justin, urging me to speak up.

I took a deep breath before turning to Justin. "Well I should really be the one asking you the same thing."

He looked at me confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Seriously Justin?" I rolled my eyes "You know what I'm talking about. I"m talking about the fact that you're not acting like yourself anymore. You're cussing out people, sneaking in to clubs then getting thrown out and apparently disrespecting every one who cares about you. I know that's not you."

"You're telling me you believe all that bullshit they say about me? You know better than anyone that what they say is complete bull." He said, obviously a little angry

I nodded. "Trust me I understand and have thought about that. But I also know that the are some things that they can't fake.

Like the video of you cussing paparazzi out? I know that there assholes, but that's something that they can't do, no matter how much the put you through.

And I also know that I didn't hear about you cussing out your mother and Scooter from the paparazzi. What the hell was that about?"

He didn't answer so I continued talking. "That's one thing I would've have never imagined you doing.

You respect your mother and Scooter more than anything in the world. He does absolutely everything for you, Justin. You wouldn't have this life without him. And you repay him by acting like a complete dick?"

Once again, he said nothing. So I continued with my rant.

"And then your mom? I literally don't know what to say about that. There's no way in the world that you don't know how completely wrong that was.

Then there's the club thing, which I guess I guess I can completely understand.

What teenager doesn't want to go to the club? But you have to understand that you are in the public eye, all the time. You can't go around getting into trouble like that."

I paused again for a second, thinking I was done but continued again. "Oh and one last thing; since when do you go around sleeping random girls like that? I understand that we're not together anymore and you have the right to be with whoever you want.

But that's not your style, Justin. You're meant to be in a relationship. You're a romantic so I know for a fact that one night stands aren't your style."

And there it was everything I've wanted to say to Justin, other than anything about us, was out in the open. It was a weight lifted off my shoulder, even if it wasn't all the weight.

He sat there, just looking at me, with a mix of emotions on his face. At one point I thought that he was going to speak out, but he closed his mouth quickly.

"Oh, I get it. You're jealous that I'm not sitting around waiting for you to come back to me. You're jealous that I've moved on." He chuckled "Well guess what; you're not as hard to get over as you think."

My jaw opened a bit, before I let out a sarcastic laugh, standing up. "Oh really? Is that why you've called me every night since I left?

Is that why you're always leaving me messages telling me that you need me, love me and miss me? Whatever, Justin.

I don't know what happened to you. But I know that you're not the same guy I feel in love with."

I turned and walked away, but stopped after a few steps. "I hope you can be that guy again, Justin. I don't think you're happy with be like this. The real you, the one I fell in love with, deserves to be happy, more than anything. I know that you can be him again."

And with that I around and walked out. I don't know if coming here had any effect on him, but in the end. I did what I could.

I meant every single word I said. He's the best guy I've ever met when he's acting himself. He has to find himself again.

I hope his welling to do that

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