24. Decisions

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"I don't know chica" I replied honestly

"But why you? Why you out of all the people in the world? Why would they need you to talk to him? There's plenty of other people that can talk to him" she replied obviously starting to panic that I might get hurt again

"Everyone tried chica, plus they think that if he'll listen to anyone, its going to be me"

"You're not actually thinking about talking to him are you?" She asked are you? She asked raising her eyebrows at me

"Hey Bella. Its me Justin. Well I guess you already knew that. The concert tonight was great my beliebers can always cheer me up. But through out the show all I could think about was you so I'm currently sitting in the airport waiting to board my plane. I'll be in LA tomorrow morning. I just really want to see you badly. Fuck it. I NEED to see you. Call me back."

Groaning, I set my phone down on the night stand. Its been a rough and stressful day ever since I got home from my lunch with Alfredo. It didn't go over so well with Lisa after I told her I was considering meeting Justin.

"You're not considering talking him are you?" She asked me raising her eyebrows at me

I shrugged before answering "honestly, I don't know."

She squeezed her eyes shut "Bella, I'm going to be completely honest with you right now. I know we all grew up together and all but I think going to meet him would be the dumbest decision you ever made"

"I'm not going to disagree with I know meeting him is a dump move, but I said this before and I'll say it again.

I hate seeing him like this. It hurts so bad seeing him like this, and if going and having a conversation in the world will change, then I feel I should probably try that." I replied to her.

"Bella" she started raising her voice a little. "Bella, you and I both know that if you go talk to him, he'll sucker you again. He's going to talk you into getting back together somehow, then he's going to break your heart again."

"That's not going to happen" I replied my voice also rising somehow.

She shock her head at me, rising from the couch. She rubbed her hands on her forehead, with her hand before turning back to me.

"You can believe what ever the hell you want to. But you know that I'm right. And when you go talk to him and he does exactly what I think he'll do. I'm not going to be there for you this time. I'm not going to support that decision. I'm sorry but I. I can't. I'll fix things with Fredo. But when you and Justin breakup. We won't suffer with y'all"

I can't explain how surprised I was to hear something like that from her. Never once has she not support a decision that I've made when we both knew it was the worst possible decision I could ever make.

She's always been the most supportive person in my life. And to hear her tell me that she wouldn't support me if I made that choice upset me more than anything.

After that conversation we didn't talk for the rest of the night. She went and shut herself in her room and I stayed in the couch for a while.

But I had to level with her. She gave up so much for me.

The minute the door to my room shut I heard hers open. Then of course for some reason I checked my voice mail. And, of course, the was a message from Justin.

I'm still not sure what I'm going to do about him. On the other hand, I feel like the should be no question about it and I shouldn't go see him.

Going and talking to him is only going to bring out those hard feelings that have been building up for the past months

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