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My alarm went off at 6 am, so I went to sneak into the shower, then got dressed for work. After that I grabbed my purse and went out to my car. I always make it a point to get up this early because for one, I won't be late for work, and two, I won't have to cross Jack's path. He's evil pretty much 24/7.

I pull into work at my usual time, saying hi to my manager as I go and take my place at the counter. I work as a hostess at a restaurant and bar. It's not as boring as you think, I get to meet all kinds of people here, and just being here helps me feel better.

But just when I felt good about how today will turn out, guess who happened to walk in?

If you're thinking of the assholes Dave, Chuck, and a bitch named Nori, who beat me up for their own amusement, then you're absolutely correct. Brilliant.

My breath hitched in my throat when I saw them, and a shiver went down my spine. My natural reaction is to run away but I'm at work, I can't. They stare at me and I can just tell that they're laughing at me.

"What did I do to make them hate me? Do I look weak? Ugly? What? " I think to myself as they walk closer.

My pulse quickens and my breath shortens, the adrenaline rushing through me. I take a deep breath and try to act like I have no idea who they are and put on my fake customer service attitude, but sadly that doesn't work.

"What are you doing here you fucking low-life? Shouldn't you be at home with your alcoholic mother?" Nori says, her green eyes piercing mine.

"Although..." She says walking closer.

"It's not like she or anyone on this earth even cares about you...you're a worthless piece of shit."

That struck a chord. I looked down and pressed the security button to have them escorted, I can't take this, not here.

After blocking out their comments and waiting for about 10 minutes, security finally came and asked what was wrong.

I tell the guard out loud and stare the group down, giving them the meanest look I can manage. Soon enough they're being escorted out.

I should be used to their remarks, but each word goes through me like a knife.

Once they leave, the rest of the day goes by pretty smoothly, until I get home.

After getting out of my car, I hear my mom screaming like she's about to be murdered, so I run as fast as I can into the house. I see that Jack has tied her up and has whipped her with his belt all over. She's bleeding on her back where he'd hit her one too many times and welts are starting to form. I see her face, as pale as the moonlight. I can't take this anymore. My mom is going to die if I don't stop this soon.

I've never fought anyone in my life, and so I'm practically trembling in the doorway deciding in my head on what to do. I decide that I'll try to knock him out with a frying pan.

I bolt to the kitchen and luckily he's too caught up in torturing my mom to notice me. I grab the largest frying pan I can find and run back and sneak up behind him.

I grip the handle with all of my strength, tears in my eyes, and I hit him across the head. He then turns around and I back up and brace myself for my impending death, but I try one last time, mustering up what little strength I had now, and hit him again across his face. Luckily this worked and he fell limp to the ground.

As soon as he fell, I raced over to my mom,untied her, and then drug her into the bathroom. I went back out to get my purse which I'd laid on the table and got my cell phone, and locked us in the bathroom. When everything got heated, this is where I'd go besides work to hide. I called the police and they knew our address already so it took them no time to get here. They've been here one other time in the past month because he had broken in and tried to strangle her. It was over something stupid, but I couldn't remember what for.

As we were waiting for the police, I tended to my moms injuries. She was bleeding pretty badly and so I tried to clean and bandage them the best I could. She's going to need stitches.

After about 10 minutes, I heard the police storm in and drag Jack to their police car. Then they came towards the bathroom. I heard a knock and the man asked:

"Miss Caldwell? Are you and your mother in here? Are you all alright?"

"Yes we are, and I'm fine, but my mom-my mom is in bad shape, please help...." I say shakily. I hate seeing her like this.

Soon after, my mom is being rolled away on a stretcher and taken to the nearest hospital. I on the other hand, am driven down to the police station, to file a report against Jack. I've been wanting to file one, but I just haven't been brave enough to do it.

It's very late when I'm done being questioned and after I've filled out the report. I have no car or anyone to take me home, so I walk. Tonight will be the first night that I've had the house to myself.

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