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I wake up and see that I'm in a bright white room. It smells of disinfectant and I hear a beep every now and then. I'm in the place I hate the most, the hospital.

I look around and after sitting there for a few minutes, I hear a mans voice in the hallway, on the phone with someone...he sounds oddly familiar.

When he's done talking, I see him make his way to my room. He's in the same suit as last night and looks tired as hell.

"I hope he hasn't stayed here all night, just because of me..." I think to myself.

Just then I see him come in and he gives me a small smile and introduces himself.

"Hello miss, I never got the chance to introduce myself, I'm Taron Unwin of the Kingsman. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"H-hello Mr. Unwin, my name is Haven Caldwell. It's...nice to meet you as well." I say, I'm still unaware of who he is, I don't know who these "Kingsmen" are or what they do quite frankly.

"Well hello Haven, you can call me Taron if you want." He says looking at me.

"Um...thank you...for last night." I say giving him a small smile, my mouth hurting where one of them must've punched me.

"No problem." He says and sits down next to me in one of the chairs.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you just a couple of questions..." He says.

"Oh great." I think to myself.

"Yeah sure, go ahead..." I say nodding.

He pulls out a pen and notebook and then asks:
"Did you know the people who attacked you?"

"Sadly, yeah. They've been harassing me ever since I've moved to this part of town." I say looking away from him, out the window.

"I'm so sorry." He says looking down, a sad look in his eyes.

"What were their names?"

"Dave, Chuck, and Nori."

He takes note of this and then looks up and says carefully:

"Um...I know this may not pertain to you, but the Kingsmen work in the Secret Service, and I have to ask people like you, who've been in certain circumstances this question. It helps us with our search."

"Go on..." I say, wondering what it could be, now that I know he works for the secret service.

"Do you know of the person who has committed a mass number of murders here in the past year?"

I gulped and fought back tears, as memories of my dad came flooding back into my memory. I paused for a moment before answering.

"Uh-um well not really...it's a hard subject to talk about..." I stammer out taking as deep of a breath as I could, regaining myself.

"It's alright love, take your time." He says.

I let my tears fall, then I tell him.

"He killed my father......the mans name was Robert Maxwell. My father was at the bar, that you helped me at, and he was just out with his friends. Then the next thing I knew, I got a call from my mom on my way home from work and she said he was dead. She told me his friend said that Robert walked right up behind him and shot him..."

He writes everything down. Noting the criminals name and then closing the notebook. Then writes a phone number down and rips it out and hands it to me.

He clears his throat, and says:
"Well I'm very sorry for your loss...um thank you for answering these questions Haven."

"You're welcome. It-it was nice to meet you, and uh thank you, again for everything. You saved me." I say smiling a bit. It was true. If he hadn't shown up I could've been dead.

He just smiled and nodded and then made his way to the door. He seemed a little off, almost flustered. As he opened it, he called back:
"If you ever need help, just call that number and there's a code written under it. Tell them your name and that code, and they'll send help immediately."

"Oh um okay...thank you Taron." I said.

"No problem." He said and then waved goodbye and headed out the door.

There was something about him that intrigued me...I don't know what it is, but I'd like to find out. I feel like he's not usually like that with other people.

I'm thankful he gave me this number though, I'm sure I'll be needing it in the future.


I have a question for you guys. Should I keep his name Taron? Or should I just go with Gary (Eggsy)? Although I like changing things up a bit, but just any feedback on this can help. Thanks loves!

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