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Taron's POV:

I watched the medical team in the trauma center roll her away on the stretcher as we walked in. No matter how hard I try I still can't get her saying "I love you" out of my head, and the banging of the gunshots as we got out. I've never loved someone as much as I do her, and I don't know what I would do without her. She has helped me turn my life around just as much as Kingsman did.

As I sat in the waiting room, a nurse checked me out and took my vitals, cleaning small wounds I had received. I couldn't help thinking of every worst case scenario as the time ticked by.

Harry and Merlin came over and sat with me and had just gotten back from telling Havens mum and my mum what went on...to an extent. We can't tell them everything we do but when someone's injured that's something we can speak of. I saw how hurt her mother was when she came in and sat across from us, and how deeply she cared about her. She and her mum went through literal hell for a long time and I can understand why they're so close. My mum and I were close, well more so after her ass of a boyfriend got taken out of the picture. She's been clean for 2 years now, and she's been taking good care of my little sister as well; I made sure of it.

I can understand where Haven came from because it's similar to how I got into that mess. But luckily, Kingsman found us, or more so we found them. My dad had sacrificed his life for my family when he was in Kingsman and it's what I and Haven agreed to put on the line as well. It's just hard to think about the possibilities of what could be happening in that room right now though.

I keep having flashbacks to when Harry and I got to her house and she was lying there on the floor on the brink of death. She's been so close to death so many times, I just don't know how she's had the strength to rise back up. But she needs to now...hell I need her to. She's the best thing that has happened to me since I got into Kingsman.

I sat there and consoled her mum and mine while I had a million thoughts running through my mind.

What if she doesn't make it?

If she does make it will she be demoted?

Will she be able to stay at Kingsman?

How will her family hold up?

It's like my brain decided it was a great idea to just flood my mind with memories of her, like she had already passed. I tried blinking back little tears as I thought of our spontaneous trips like going on picnics and to our favorite restaurants, and it hurt like a thousand knives stabbing me in the heart. I couldn't wait inside here all night, it only made the waiting worse.

I walked outside to get some fresh air and got a call from Harry. He was inside still but had been cleared to go with Merlin into the trauma wing to check on her and the others. As I lifted the phone up to my ear, my heart beat against my chest at a rapid pace, not wanting to know the exact news just yet. But just like in life, ya gotta hear shit you don't want to.

"Taron, it's about Haven, the doctor wants to see you and Mrs. Caldwell."

"Okay, I-I'll be there in just a second." I said hanging up and running inside.

"Mrs. Caldwell, the doctor needs to speak to us." I said, my voice growing thick with fear of the worst.

"Oh no....um okay." She said frantically getting up.

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