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I was on the tube on my way to lunch with Taron. We had finished training earlier today and I moved up a spot in the ranks. There were 8 of us and I was in 5th place.

Trent stayed in the recruit dorm today, still recovering from his injuries. I was happy he wasn't there though because it put me a bit more at ease. I made my way through each stage and finished with pretty good timing.

As the tube started to slow, we got up and made our way to the exit doors. It was good to get away from Kingsman for a little while. We walked for a bit looking at all the restaurants we could find and then he told me about this one he went to as a kid.

"It's this one right over there..." He said pointing to a cottage like building on the corner. It looked cozy.

"It's called Cheshire's...they have all kinds of things to eat, and they have a wicked dessert menu."

"That sounds great! Let's go!" I said jumping like a little kid. I was starving and anything sounded great at this point.

We walked over and got seated right away. We were dressed up probably a little too nicely for this little place, but it was fine. It was Sunday and it clicked that it seemed all too appropriate to order a Sunday roast, so we did. We split one though, because Taron said they like to make hefty portions. It was delicious, and comforting. We talked for a while after that, about how his mum took him here on the weekends as a kid.

After that, we paid and got back on the tube and headed back to Kingsman HQ. I was supposed to go to a meeting with Taron at 4 and it's currently 3:40.

We hurriedly made our way there with 5 minutes to spare.

"Hello Agent Unwin, Miss Cauldwell." Harry nodded to us and we said hello and took our seats.

"Now you two are probably wondering why you're in here today. It's because of yesterday's antics." He said looking at me.

I gulped.

"You're okay right Miss?" He asked softly.

"Yes sir. As good as new." I said smiling.

"Good." He said and nodded.

"I called you in here also to discuss what could be done about this man named Trent. He has been given a warning as of earlier this morning and one more violation will cause him to be cut from this organization." He said looking more towards Taron now.

"That seems fair." Taron said.
He hates anything that has to do with Trent, and I don't blame him.

"If he goes after her, or anyone in the agency, he will be delt with, so Taron, just do as we discussed previously and continue training with her, okay?" Harry asked.

"Of course." Taron said nodding.

"On another note..." Merlin said rising from his seat. He'd been listening intently the whole time, not saying a word.

"I will be there to supervise tomorrow, just to make sure everything goes smoothly. And by the way...congratulations." He said winking at me.

"What for??" I asked confused.

"For helping us on the case. We may have found a promising lead. We'll be well on our way to finding Robert Maxwell in a matter of weeks."

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