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Well today started off on an interesting note. News had spread somehow that Taron and I were dating and it got around to the whole agency. It kinda ticked me off, but oh well. At least now we don't have to hide it all the time.

After finding that out, I got news that my mother would be here in about an hour. That gives me just a bit of time to squeeze in some training and to straighten my room up. Fun.

"Ms. Cauldwell?" An accented voice asked from outside my door.

"Yes?" I asked walking over.

"It's Merlin may I come in?"

"Yeah sure hold on."
I said as I unlocked the door.

"What do you need?" I asked annoyed.

"I need you to get ready. We're going to a meeting. It's strictly confidential and so you cannot tell a soul about it."

"Oh-ok...and what abou my mum and Taron?"

"We'll get our cleaning services in here while we're away and they'll get her settled in here by the time we get back."

"When will we be back?" I ask. Taron never told me when he'd be back.

"In two days. It's in Berlin and I need you to bring every file and every note you have about Robert Maxwell. It will be needed. Now, go get ready and meet me in the garage in 5 minutes." He said, and walked out.

What the fuck. Why me? I'm still in training...


*In Berlin 2 hours later*

I've never been outside of London. Being here is so cool, but I have to remember to keep my game face on because this is strictly business.

Merlin and I walked out of the airport and went into the city, gawking at the unique architecture. It was lightly raining and so we headed into a pub for shelter.

After knocking back a few beers, we got in a taxi and went to what looked like an abandoned church. It was dilapidated and looked like something out of a horror movie. As we walked down the wet pavement, we came across a patch of flowers that was misplaced just a tad. The flowers around it were red and white and the ones on this patch were yellow.

"Stop right here Haven..." Merlin whispered.

"Why? They're just flowers." I said, whispering back.

He chuckled.

"Oh just wait." He said and then clicked the end of his umbrella and it revealed a key. He looked around and I automatically assumed the guard position, looking out for any signs of anyone even though were at an abandoned church.

He crouched down and moved some of the flowers out of the way and a keyhole made of wood was there. The naked eye couldn't tell, but once up close you could. He quickly stuck the key into the hole and it unlocked, revealing a ladder leading down.

"The meeting is in a sewer?!" I asked disgusted.

"Just wait." He said and took his umbrella with him and climbed down.

Kingsman: When Hearts Collide COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now