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I got up around 10 the next morning, and almost fell off the bed at the sight of the doctor. I had been asleep for a while and I didn't think anyone was there until I turned around.

"Oh heavens! I'm sorry miss Caldwell, I'm just checking your vitals." He said and wrote down something on his clipboard.

I felt pretty good for once. The pain in my eye and rib have subsided and I feel like I can take more even breaths now.

"Have the pain meds helped miss?"

"Yes, they've helped a lot actually. Do you know how long it will be until my rib will be healed?" I asked. I hate staying in one room all cooped up in bed.

"Luckily it was only one rib that was broken so it will take about a month to heal fully, that is if you take it easy and stick to minimal activity." He said.

"Does that mean I'll be in here for a whole month?" I ask. I hope not.

"We don't want you to go just yet, we have to make sure you're 100% better. You've been through a lot more than some of our past patients have been through and we think that your safety is of the utmost importance because you have a slight lead on the serial killer we've been looking for. But don't fret love, you'll be able to leave the trauma center in about a week and a half. Until then, we'll have you rest, take your meds, and we'll allow you an hour to walk around each day to help you regain your strength and such."

"Okay..." I sigh. I really wanted to be out sooner.

On the bright side, they want me here. I'd rather be here than out on my own getting beat up all the time. I feel safe here.

The doctor finished writing some things down and before he leaves I ask him:

"Um...is Taron here? I have something to tell him...something about the case." I say softly.

His eyes light up and he smiles. They must have had a hard time finding stuff about Robert. Hopefully what I tell and show Taron can help.

"I'm pretty sure he's at Kingsman headquarters, but I will send a message to him and I'll get back with you." He says and goes to the door.

"Alright, thanks doc." I say.

"No problem miss." He says and then leaves.

I sigh. I have a long day ahead of me.

After watching tv for a couple hours, I start getting restless. I get up slowly, wobbling slightly, and hold on to the bedside table for support. I take small steps and work towards bigger ones and before I know it I'm taking full steps down the hallway. I get greeted by the doctors and nurses and see my doctor at his desk. He looks up from his work and says:

"Getting restless yeah?"

"Yeah, it's okay if I walk around here right? I'll be back in an hour like you said."

"Of course, we have a little park just outside the hospital here that you can walk around if you'd like."

"That sounds lovely, thank you."

"No problem, enjoy."

"I will." I say smiling. With that, I start walking out the door and make my way to the park. It's so nice to be outside again.

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