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I wake up to someone's fingertips caressing my face, my eyes flicking open immediately.

It's just him.

"Oh shit, what time is it?!"

"It's about noon, I'm assuming you forgot set an alarm...?" He asked laughing.

"Oh...yeah...I'm so sorry, that was truly dumb of me."

"You're fine, you've been through a lot. I'm glad you got some rest."

"I guess they sent you in to wake me?"

"I knocked and no one answered and I got a tad worried so I got the master key and came in....I hope you don't mind."

"No it's fine, it's nice knowing someone besides my mum cares about me." I say.

"So...I'll go in the...kitchen and let you get dressed and then we have to go, our jet leaves at 12:20."

"Ok. I'll be quick don't worry."

I sprint towards the shower and then to my closet and pull out a nice peach sundress and white oxfords. After blow drying my hair and applying a minimal amount of makeup, I'm ready.

It's about 12:15. Oops.

"Ok ok sorry I'm so slow this morning! Alright I'm ready." I say running towards the door.

"It's okay, I expected as much." He laughs and we walk quickly towards the garage.

We get there with 2 minutes to spare and immediately board the jet. And before I knew it we were taking off.

I had never flown before, but I tried not to let my nervousness show. But that failed of course.

"Scared of flying?" He asked.

How is he so good at reading me? Do I make things that obvious?

"Yeah...I've never been on a plane, let alone a jet before..."

He takes my hand.

"It's okay. I was like that too, It gets better with time."

We stay like that for the remainder of the flight. It only took us about 20 minutes to get there.

We land on a private landing strip. In the distance I see a decently sized house.

After getting off the jet, we get driven to the house. It's much larger than I thought, it's beautiful.

It's white with black window panes and there's a balcony for the upstairs. We come to to the door and knock.

A woman about my height and around her early 50's answers the door. She has Tarons eyes and smile, and greets us, even though I can see the pain in her eyes.

Taron introduces me to her and I learn that her name is Karmin. To my surprise, she's very nice.

We make our way through the gorgeous house and up a spiral staircase. She tells me about Taron and about how he saved her and bought her this house and out of the corner of my eye, I see him smiling. I can tell he genuinely cares about his family, he just wants them to be happy.

When we get upstairs she leads us to what I assume is her daughters room.

And then I see her. Her names Anna.

She's about 3-4 years old and as white as a ghost.

"She's been very ill. I don't know what's wrong with her and she complains of stomach pains and it breaks my heart that I can't make the pain go away."

As she's explaining that, she starts tearing up, but Taron goes over quickly to comfort her.

I try to comfort Anna and tell her we're here to help her.

To my surprise even through her tears, she smiles at me.

"Mum how about we get going? We don't have time to waste." He asks his mum, I understand his urgency.

"Yes of course. C'mon dear, let's go get you some help love." She says quietly to her daughter.

Taron helps her up but she wails in pain so he carefully scoops her up in his arms and we make our way downstairs.

After the car ride to the jet, we board and take off.

I didn't realize how bad her condition was until now. She's skin and bone.

"Mrs. Unwin?"

"Yes love?"

"If I may ask...how long has this been going on?"

"About a week or two. She won't eat much because her stomach hurts. I don't know if she's come down with something or what."

"Ah I see...well, they have the latest technology and advanced health care tools so I'm sure they can find out what's wrong." I say trying to reassure her.

"Thank you both." She says smiling slightly.

"No problem." We say in unison.

*20 minutes later *

We arrive and Taron dials in for a stretcher and they wheel her to the emergency center in Kingsman HQ.

While she's being checked out, we all go to my room. I can't help thinking of her, even now that she's in better care. I just want her to be okay.


Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, I hope you all like this chapter though!

Btw how do you all like the gifs/pictures I've uploaded so far? And if you haven't noticed, I chose Haven to be played/characterized by Kaya Scodelario. So in summary, let me know what you think, or if I need to change anything.

~ Katie

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