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Well...I made it...today is my last day at the trauma center. The days leading up to today have been so boring. I've done nothing but watch tv and walk everyday for an hour.

I walked down to the lobby and sat in one of the chairs. I started bouncing my leg up and down excitedly as each minute ticked by.

10 minutes until Taron and Harry will be here to pick me up.
5 minutes left. I can't help but wonder what else goes on at Kingsman...Taron said I'll be training soon, so this shall be interesting.

As the numbers on the clock dwindle down, I start to feel more nervous. I don't know what to expect when I get in there.

I decide to text my mum whose been in the trauma center, and by the looks of it, she'll be in here for another couple of weeks. I hate leaving her, but this could be a new start, a fresh start for me, and hopefully soon I can include my mum on that journey with me.

After texting and going on Twitter for a bit, I see the black car pull up out of the corner of my eye. I see Taron get out from the passenger seat, and walk through the double doors towards me. He has a cheeky smile on his face.

"Hi! It's so good to see you!" I say excitedly, getting up to give him a hug.

"It's certainly nice to see you too Haven...so...are you ready to go?" He asks, an excited look in his eyes.

"As ready as I'll ever be!" I say.

I go to grab my bag and as soon as I reach down to get it he says:

"Here I'll get that for you love, don't want you pulling anything."

Our hands brushed past eachothers when we went to grab the bag; the contact sent shivers down my spine, and the blood rushed to my face.

"Thank you" I say and look down, desperately trying to hide my blushing face.

"No problem." He says and starts toward the car. I follow behind him and we get in and then make our way to Kingsman HQ.

"I hope he didn't notice..." I say to myself. I've slowly became more attracted to him. Granted that I've only seen and talked to him a couple times. He seems so..mysterious...like he's holding something back. Although, someone like him probably has a million girls falling at his feet. He wouldn't fall for someone as ugly as me...

As we head down the road, I see the bar where I was attacked. I look away quickly. It's bad memories flooding back into my mind. We continue down the road and come to a stop, traffic clearly becoming backed up.

Harry makes the most of this situation and introduces himself again, looking at me through the rearview mirror and then asks some questions, just making polite conversation.

"So I take it you and Taron are well acquainted?"

My face turns red again and I look at Taron whose also a bit flustered, and nod and say: "yes we are."

"Well that's lovely, how has your mum been doing? Any better?"

"Um yeah, I mean she's not 100% just yet, the doctor said it could still be a couple of weeks."

"Ah I see." He says and then we start moving again.

After about 10 minutes, we pull up to the tailor shop called Kingsman.

Kingsman: When Hearts Collide COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now