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I got into work early this morning. I was more than happy to get there, to have a distraction. I just hope that today will be good for once.

After greeting and assigning people to tables for a couple of hours, I asked if I could take a break because I was starting to get sore. I probably should've listened to what the doctors said about 'taking it easy'.

Luckily my boss said yes, and so I went out back and sat next to two of my co-workers who were smoking. I've never smoked, and I don't plan to. Being around it constantly at my house made my decision not to, easier.

After relaxing for a bit I took out the piece of paper Taron gave me and put the number in my contacts. It was a 3 digit number which was odd, but I saved it as "HELP" because I have a feeling I'll need it at some point. When I finish, the two guys were joking around asking if it was a boys number, but I just laughed it off and said no. It wasn't his, technically.

After my break I went back to work until I got out at 10pm. It was Saturday night so we got very busy. I just hope the drunks and party-goers aren't super rowdy tonight on my way home.

I clock out at 10 and run to my car. I want to get out before the parking lot gets packed. After driving for a while I finally get home and see the porch light is off.

"Shit..." I said to myself. I hope to god it's no one. Hopefully I just left the light off accidentally.

I take a deep breath and think about what I want to do. With all that's gone on, I can't help but feel scared to death.

After sitting for a good 5 minutes, I urge myself to go inside. Who knows, it could've just been me being dumb, not turning the light off.

I grab my keys and purse and head up to the front door. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for what's to come. As I open the door, the room reeks of marijuana. It can't be. It's Jack.

"How in the hell did he get out!?" I think as I walk inside and make my way to the bathroom. Luckily he was passed out in the living room and so I went in and locked the door and sat in there for a while until I heard him get up.

"Haven! Are you here?" He said, anger rising in his voice.

"Answer me! I know you're here! You're car is in the fucking driveway you bitch!"

My heart starts pounding. This is the first time I've been alone while he's having one of his tantrums.

Then I hear him go outside and get something and then run full speed at the door and whack it. It splinters some of the wood and a slight screech escapes my mouth. He has an axe. This isn't good.

I speed dial the number Taron gave me, the tears in my eyes blurring my vision.
A lady answered and I said:
"Hello I'm Haven Caldwell-and I-I need help! Please?" The line goes silent for a second. I can't waste another second. I could be dead in a matter of minutes. Then I remember the code he wrote down as well and tell her while sobbing.

"O-Oxfords, not Brogues....." I say my voice shaking.

The lady then says:
"Um-okay what's your address? We will send our top agents to help you. Just hold on miss."

"It's 1780 Fredrick's Avenue. Please hurry. Thank you all."

"No problem miss. Goodbye." She says and then the call ends.

"Don't worry I'll get this damn door down and you'll be dead in a heartbeat you little shit! I will hack your head off!"

I can't believe this is happening. I get into the shower and close the curtains. It won't help, but could save me just a couple seconds for me to try to tackle him or something if I have to.

The axe was my dads and it's pretty dull from what I remember so it takes him about two minutes to hack the door open, then I scream. He slashes the curtains open and drags me out by my hair and throws me on the floor in the kitchen. He lifts the axe up and I go to kick his knee and then roll out of the way of the axe. My kick caused his drunk, high ass to drop it. It gave me just enough time to race back to the bathroom and get my phone and purse and run to the living room.

I didn't get far though because he tackled me down and punched me in the gut and then hit me hard in my jaw. My vision gets slightly blackened and then he throws another one and it hits my nose. It didn't break it but it's bloodied, I can feel it. When I'm almost blacked out, he throws another punch and hits me in my left eye and I feel like I'm going to die. My breathing is jagged and I taste blood. Just when I think the worst is over he runs and grabs a knife and I'm in so much pain I can't really get up well. I just limp over to the couch and let out a blood curdling scream, a death rattle. This is it. He's going to kill me.

I feel a sharp pain and the cold metal digging into my thigh. I scream once again and almost pass out from the pain. My vision is almost gone when I hear someone bust open the door and shoot. Then I see the blurry silhouette of Taron and someone else. The other man had shot Jack in the chest, killing him. I've never been so happy to see him dead, and to see two guys in suits.

I smile just slightly and then cry. I'm in so much pain and on the verge of unconsciousness already so it's the only thing I can really do at the moment.

Then I feel strong arms lifting me up gently and carrying me to their car. He he lays me down, my head resting on his lap.

"Haven...it's Taron. Stay with me okay? Please..." He says, his voice pleading, fading.

I do my best to stay awake.

When we get there I can see a stretcher waiting for me and I feel Taron pick me up and lay me down carefully on it. Then I'm rushed inside to what I heard was the trauma center. Then I black out. I couldn't take it anymore, the blackness consumed my vision and my conscience, but my heart kept beating strong, even when put through something traumatic like this.


Hello loves! I hope you're liking this story so far. Also, I haven't mentioned it yet but in this story Harry is still alive. Comments/votes are greatly appreciated! :)

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