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I gave my first presentation with the new evidence today. I was worried they wouldn't pay me any mind, but they seemed to like what I had to offer on the case, so it went better than I thought.

It was a bit hard though because he wasn't there. I'm used to being around him a lot, so since he had the day off, I did the meeting solo. It was the usual Kingsman employees, as well as a couple I hadn't seen before. I think I won them over though.

After the meeting let out I went to my room. I texted Taron, knowing that he was probably up at the emergency unit.
After a couple minutes he replied.

Me: hey how's she doing?

Taron: not too good. They couldn't figure out what was the cause for the pain, so they're taking her in for X-rays now.

Me: oh no! Well I hope the X-rays can find out what's causing the pain. I'll try to make it over there, if that's ok?

Taron: I know me too, and that would be great, I could use a hug right now.

Me: I'll be there in 10.

Taron: alright love, see you then.

Me: see you then.

My stomach dropped when I'd read the text. I hated see her like that, and I hope they can figure out what's wrong.

I put my phone down and went to my closet and got into some more comfortable clothes: some leggings, a grey t-shirt, and some black socks and shoes. I quickly put my hair in a messy bun and then got my phone and jogged to the elevator. When I got to the first floor, I walked quickly down a couple of hallways and then outside and across the long cobblestone path to the medical wing. I told them I was there to see Taron and his family and they nodded and led me to the elevator. The nurse said he's on level 3, the trauma unit.

I waited patiently for the elevator to ding, indicating my arrival to the third floor. When I got up there, I went straight to room A109 and saw Taron sitting outside with his mum.

He was leaning forward, his head in his hands and his mum was sitting back closing her eyes and rubbing her hand soothingly on his back. He loves his family dearly, and it tears me apart seeing him like this.

"Taron...?" I said quietly. He looked up, his eyes tired and red, probably from crying.

"H-hello, Haven. Thank you for coming."

"No problem, love." I said and embraced him in a long hug. We stayed like that for a couple minutes, I teared up slightly, but willed myself not to cry.

I sat down beside Taron on his other side nearest the door, and his mum put her hand on mine.

"Thank you for helping us love, and you too my dear boy." She said looking at him and I.

"It's no problem." I said, and squeezed her hand back reassuringly.

"I appreciate you coming here as well, it'll help Taron cheer up." She said smiling slightly.

"Aw, it's my pleasure. I wanted to be here for you all, and I'll be here whenever you all need me." I said smiling and taking Taron's hand.

After waiting for about an hour and chatting about my latest meeting, they brought Anna back into her designated room. She was still pale, but the look on the doctors face was promising. I think he knew what was wrong with her.


We waited by her bed for the doctors diagnosis.

"Well we found out the reason for her stomach pain, and that reason is...she had ingested something kind of sharp and caused her intestine to become inflamed."

We all let out a breath, it was a slight relief, but also quite scary.

"Could you all see what it is?"

"It looks like the tip of something solid like a bone?"

"Maybe she might've eaten meat and it had a bone in it?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I cook chicken quite often, that could've been the reason." Karmin said. She looked sad, thinking it was all her fault.

"Oh I'm so sorry honey, we won't have food like that for a while and I'll inspect everything more before I cook it alright?"

Anna just nodded.

"It was probably the cause of her stomach pains and loss of appetite, as well as maybe making her nauseous causing paleness of the skin." He said looking over her X-rays once more.

"We will schedule surgery to remove it tomorrow, and for now we'll put her on a liquid diet of light soups and give her some pain medicine."

"Alright Doctor, thank you so much."

"No problem Mrs. Unwin." He said and walked out the door.

"Thank god..." Taron said.


"I'm just so happy it wasn't something more serious..." He said taking a seat in one the chairs in the hall. I followed him.

"Yes, indeed. I was worried, but now we know she'll be well very soon." I said smiling.

"Yup." He said.

"Hey, um, I was wondering, would you want to go get some dinner tonight? It'll be nice to get away from the medical ward for a bit."

"That sounds lovely."

"Great! I'll uh, pick you up at 8:00?"

"Sounds like a plan." I said smiling and kissing his cheek.

"See you then-oh and I don't want to disturb your mum in there, but tell her I'll be thinking of you all, and hope everything goes well tomorrow." I say before leaving.

"Alright." He said.


It was just before 8:00 when I heard Taron at the door. He had texted me to wear something fancy, so I asked the tailor if she had anything in mind, and so she put together a very sleek black dress with silver heels and clutch bag.

I had my hair and makeup all done and answered the door. I couldn't help but blush when he looked at me in awe.

"You look amazing Haven."

"As do you." I say smiling and linking arms with him.  He smiles. He's in a sleek black tux with a white button up shirt underneath.

With that, we made our way to one of the Rolls Royce's and drove into the evening to a fancy little restaurant on a secluded corner street. It was surprisingly romantic, and it they had the best food. We will definitely be going here again.

As dinner was winding to a close, we tipped our glasses to eachother and took one last drink of champagne and then headed back to the car. Everything went smoothly after that, and he had walked me to my door as usual.

"Thank you for tonight, that was amazing." I said.

"It was indeed, and no problem. We'll have to go back again yeah?" He said with a smirk. God why does he smirk, he knows I can't handle it.

"Definitely." I said and then he kissed me goodbye and then left down the hall towards the elevator.

I got dressed into some pajamas and then went straight to bed. Today has been one crazy day. But it had an awesome ending to say the least.

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