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I woke up to the all too familiar bright lights and the scent of a hospital room.
I heard the beeping of the heart monitors, and the faint wheezing in my breaths.

I opened my eyes a bit more and looked around and felt someone's hand on mine. It was Taron. He was looking down, and-and crying?

I tried moving my fingers a bit and squeezed his hand lightly. I don't know if I can talk. I might as well try.

"Taron....?" I croaked out. Almost inaudible.

His head snapped up. His eyes were blood shot and the rims of his eyes were red from crying. His eyes were as light as ever though, not full of rage anymore.

"Haven...." He said almost in awe.

"Oh I'm so glad your okay! I love you so much." He said leaning over to hug me, and saying that into my hair. He kissed my forehead and then sat back in his seat. A look of relief flooding his features.

"I-I" I couldn't get anything out. All I wanted to do was tell him I love him too.

"Shh baby don't talk...you'll strain your vocal chords more if you do."

I looked down and gave up, deciding to use hand signals instead. I pointed to myself and then made a heart with my bruised hands, and then pointed at him. It was the best I could do for now.

He smiled and nodded. He knew what I meant and that's all that mattered.

I needed to tell him something else though...I needed to ask him things as well.

I saw a whiteboard on the table across the room and a black expo marker. I propped myself up a bit which hurt like hell, and pointed to them.

He saw it and so he went over and got it for me. I immediately wrote down what I needed to.

I wrote:
I love you so much. I couldn't thank you enough for all you've done for me. You saved me once again and I'm forever grateful. <3

"I love you too, and I would save you again in a heartbeat, if it meant I could spend more time with you. Don't you ever think that I wouldn't love you or anything. You're the best thing that's happened to me in a very, very long time my love." He said. I started tearing up. I wiped my tears away and then wrote something else down. It was a question that was burning inside me.

Is he dead?

"Yes" (A/N: hallelujah 🙌🏼 )

I was relieved to hear that. He could've probably been dealt with differently, but considering the circumstances, it was best that he's gone. He was terrible and so it's probably better for all of us, that he is no longer with us.

He looked down after that. Even though he's been in Kingsman for a while, he still has a soft side. I've been fortunate enough to see this, but it hurts me to see him like this. I know that it was ultimately what he had to do, but he still feels bad from time to time about things ending like that. But he'd do it in a heartbeat to save the ones he loves. I admire him for that.

After that, not much else was written or said. I was in pain though so I had written down that I needed pain meds.

Within a few minutes the doctor came in and Taron came back in and sat down. I waited for the meds to kick in and watched as the doctor checked all my vitals and such. Before I drifted off to sleep though, I heard the doctor say I'd only be in the trauma center for a week, then I'll go back over to Kingsman again. I smiled then, knowing that I'll still be able to train, and hopeful earn my spot in Kingsman.

I woke up a couple hours later. The pain had subsided and to my surprise, Harry, Merlin, and Taron were there.

I just sat up slowly and waved hello. I hate not being able to talk.

"We're pleased to see you're okay, Miss Cauldwell. We're sincerely sorry this has happened to you."  Harry said.

I just gave them a nod and smiled a little.

"Do you need anything?" Taron asked.

I shook my head no, but I scribbled something on my board again.

Am I still going to be training once I get out?

They all smiled. I don't know why though.

"You're very determined Haven. So, yes. Of course you will be training. We want you to really work on defending yourself though. You need it." Merlin said.

I just gave him a thumbs up. With the way my luck has gone, it's probably best if I can learn to efficiently defend myself. I'll sure as hell need it if I make it to being in this organization.

After a while of nodding and silently responding to their questions and such, they left. I was alone, and I was kind of happy to be. After all that's gone on, and after all I've done, I haven't had much time to myself.

I texted my mum once again. It's been a couple weeks since the attacks and she should be almost done with rehab in a week or so.

Me: hey mum, are you happy to be getting out of your rehab soon?

Mum: hello love! And yes, I'm thrilled. I can't wait to see you Havie.

Me: that's good! And me either. I can't wait. Although I do have some news...

Mum: what is it love?

Me: I'm fine now, I'm in the trauma center at Kingsman though. I've been training and there was this guy that was honestly the spawn of satan. We had a few disagreements and encounters, and last night he beat me up. I was so scared... 

Mum: oh my god! Are you sure you're okay? I want to know who he is because he won't see the light of day when I meet him. No one hurts my little girl.

Me: mum...it's okay now. I'm okay now. Taron came in and took care of it today the least. Let's just say the guy is no longer with us.

Mum: well that's a relief. I'll have to meet this Taron fellow. He seems like a swell guy.

Me: he is. I probably wouldn't be here without him. But that's where my training comes in. In a week, when I'm better, I'll start training again, and I'll be working on defending myself. I may have a spot at Kingsman after all mum, and I'm going to try to see if we can get you a place.

Mum: you're too nice Havie. You don't have to do that.

Me: you're not living in that shit-hole anymore mom. I won't allow it. You can stay with me for the time being, until I can find you a place with Kingsman's help.

Mum: I don't know what to say love...thank you.

Me: no problem, I'll talk to you later okay?

Mum: alright. Love you Havie.

Me: love you too.

I sighed. I'll have to smooth it over with Harry and Merlin. Hopefully they'll let her stay with me. Maybe she can even find a job here. It would do us both some good.


Hello loves!! I just wanted to say thank you for getting Kingsman to 2k reads!! I know this chapter was probably kind of boring and very short, but I have another chapter coming up soon, so hang in there. :)

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